Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - (Page 2)

from the editor o u r h o u s e n ow nyone would be inspired by the stories of how the Ryerson Image Centre and the Mattamy Athletic Centre at the Gardens came to be. While the RIC was built in the existing Image Arts Building (which was also renovated at the same time), the MAC was built in the storied Maple Leaf Gardens. Both places are the culmination of big dreams and the support of students, faculty, staff and alumni. In Ryerson’s early days, photography professors started the university’s image collection by purchasing significant photographic works. Those valued photos formed the cornerstone of a collection and scholarship that established Ryerson as the most appropriate home for the renowned and iconic Black Star Collection that was gifted to the university several years ago. With the Black Star Collection came funds toward building the beautiful RIC. Collections curator Peter Higdon remembers seeing those pre-Black Star photographs as a student in the 1970s. “It was extraordinary to me that they were sitting there in museum boxes with the little tin keys to open them,” he says as he points to a set of three tiny keys mounted and framed on the counter behind his desk. “And they were available A to students to use. So if you were a student of photography, you could pull original Eugene Smith prints and Atgets and hold them in your hand and look at them. These were the days when we were still printing photographs – not digital – so to have these to consult was extraordinary. Smith was considered one of the greatest printers who ever lived.” Now, students, faculty and visiting experts also have access to the Black Star Collection, more than 290,000 images that encompass the history of the 20th century. The community, who can attend exhibitions in the centre’s new gallery, may also experience the collection. Writer Carolyn Morris visited the RIC and explored the archive now stored in museumquality digs while Higdon shared with her some of the RIC’s rich images and explained why it’s so important to maintain and study it. Her story, illustrated with iconic Black Star images, is on page 12. To celebrate the opening of the RIC and the Black Star Collection, 20th-century photojournalism at its best, Ryerson University Magazine commissioned a special photo essay, inviting alumni to submit project proposals. From the many compelling entries, we chose the story by Christopher Manson, a young graduate of the Documentary Media Phelps ‘flip’ schulke, Muhammad Ali, Miami, fl, ca.1961. program, about life with diabetes in Moose Factory, Ont., which you will find on page 19. The other big development since we last published is, of course, the Mattamy Athletic Centre at the Gardens – a unique reinvention of an iconic building. In “Feels like home” on page 25, Lindsey Craig tells the story of Michelle Evagelou, a student athlete, and her father, Tom, for whom the Gardens holds special memories. Through this family’s story, we discover how much the new facility means to Ryerson athletes whose recent cheer has been “Our house now.” n colleen Mellor, JournAlisM ’86 go green! helP us reduce our PAPer use by subscribing to ryerson uniVersity MAgAzine’s digitAl edition. If you prefer to receive a digital edition instead of a printed copy of the magazine, just visit the website www.ryerson.ca/alumni/magazine and complete the form to select delivery via email. When each edition is ready, we’ll email you the link instead of sending a print copy by mail. You will be able to read the stories online, on your iPad or your mobile phone. View the current edition online at www. nxtbook.com/dawson/ryerson/ alumni_2013winter. Thank you for helping us go green. 2 ryerson university Magazine • WINTER 2013 REPRODUCTION FROM THE BLACK STAR COLLECTION AT RYERSON UNIVERSITY. COURTESY OF THE RYERSON IMAGE CENTRE. http://www.ryerson.ca/alumni/magazine https://www.nxtbook.com/dawson/ryerson/alumni_2013winter https://www.nxtbook.com/dawson/ryerson/alumni_2013winter

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013

Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013
Table of Contents
President's Message
Gould Street
Picture Perfect
Photo Essay
Feels Like Home
From the boardroom to the delivery room – midwife Jasmin Tecson follows her passion
Flying with the Snowbirds – Capt. Iain Cummings realizes lifelong dream
Alumni Diary/VP Viewpoint
Class Notes
Remember When?

Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013

Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 (Page Cover1)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 (Page Cover2)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Table of Contents (Page 1)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Table of Contents (Page 2)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - President's Message (Page 3)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Showcase (Page 4)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Showcase (Page 5)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Gould Street (Page 6)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Gould Street (Page 7)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Gould Street (Page 8)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Gould Street (Page 9)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Gould Street (Page 10)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Gould Street (Page 11)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Picture Perfect (Page 12)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Picture Perfect (Page 13)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Picture Perfect (Page 14)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Picture Perfect (Page 15)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Picture Perfect (Page 16)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Picture Perfect (Page 17)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Picture Perfect (Page 18)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Photo Essay (Page 19)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Photo Essay (Page 20)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Photo Essay (Page 21)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Photo Essay (Page 22)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Photo Essay (Page 23)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Photo Essay (Page 24)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Feels Like Home (Page 25)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Feels Like Home (Page 26)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Feels Like Home (Page 27)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - From the boardroom to the delivery room – midwife Jasmin Tecson follows her passion (Page 28)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Flying with the Snowbirds – Capt. Iain Cummings realizes lifelong dream (Page 29)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Alumni Diary/VP Viewpoint (Page 30)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Alumni Diary/VP Viewpoint (Page 31)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Alumni Diary/VP Viewpoint (Page 32)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Alumni Diary/VP Viewpoint (Page 33)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Alumni Diary/VP Viewpoint (Page 34)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Alumni Diary/VP Viewpoint (Page 35)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Class Notes (Page 36)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Class Notes (Page 37)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Class Notes (Page 38)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Class Notes (Page 39)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Class Notes (Page 40)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Class Notes (Page 41)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Class Notes (Page 42)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Class Notes (Page 43)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Remember When? (Page 44)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Remember When? (Page Cover3)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Remember When? (Page Cover4)