Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - (Page 36)

class notes U p d at e s f r o m a l U m n i o n p e r s o n a l a n d p r o f e s s i o n a l m i l e s t o n e s compiled by Christine Julien-sullivan, Journalism ’97 1 the graduation party of the Photographic arts class of ’54: “this class,” writes Frank Hammond, “was notorious for its parties – a tradition that lasted to the very last school day.” Back row, from left: host Bill hammond, Joan Compton, Bob Ward, instructor Barry Gordon, Peter Lucas, Gary Shennette, Balfour LeGrealey and hostess Frances hammond. Front, from left: Allen Knight, George Furniotis, Tom VanGorder, Mike Wormley, Ruth (Tucker) Ellis, George Lovelady, Frank Hammond and Liz (Cade) McCracken. not pictured is Richard Glunz. “the photo was taken at the home of Bill and Frances hammond in toronto, a place where many of our celebrations occurred; the photo negative was found by Gary shennette,” says hammond. Peter Chestnut, Image Arts ’59, is the author of attila & the Battle Cruiser. Chestnut, Image Arts ’59, pursued a career in commercial photography after graduation, and later returned to an earlier interest in the Second World War that lead to the publication of his historical novel Attila & the Battle Cruiser. The novel centres around two German battle cruisers, Scharnhorst and Gneisena, that wreaked havoc with British merchant shipping, and Attila, a Siamese cat aboard Scharnhorst that acts as a mystical presence. When Winston Churchill demands that the Royal Navy find and destroy the two cruisers known as the Ugly Sisters, they perform a vanishing act in the middle of a skilfully planned trap. Visit attilabattlecruiser.com. 50s [1] Peter Gary Gray, rta ’58, made his mark in advertising by creating iconic campaigns. Gary Gray, Radio and Television Arts (RTA) ’58, is the advertising guru behind such iconic campaigns as “Do you eat the red ones last?” for smarties, “Where the rainbow goes” for Pot of Gold chocolates and the ubiquitous milk moustache print ads. his work has won such prestigious awards as the Gold lion at Cannes. after 17 years at ogilvy, he co-founded Carder Gray advertising. the agency became internationally famous for its integrity and reputation for never losing a client. now a teacher at oCaD university, he mentors the next generation of Canadian talent. “life is full and good,” he says. “i think of myself as pretty boring. after all, i’ve only moved six blocks in my entire life.” Joe Lewis, RTA ’63, is a radio and television broadcaster whose on-air work includes CJRT-FM, TVOntario, CBC Television, CTV, Global and CBC Radio. He has also been a feature writer and columnist for the Globe and Mail, Toronto Telegram, Toronto Star, Toronto Sun, Toronto Life and Maclean’s. He started his career in broadcasting as a second-year RTA student when Foster Hewitt, the voice of Hockey Night in Canada, hired him for his own radio station, CKFH, as a station operator and general assistant. In 1965, he began producing and hosting a four-hour weekly program, Folk Music & Folkways, on CJRT, hosting the program until 1996, likely setting a Canadian broadcast record of 31 years. At Ryerson, he taught RTA students and is part of the Rho Alpha Kappa team that created two annual scholarships for RTA students and raised more than $50,000 for an endowment fund to sustain those awards in perpetuity. 60s Robert Mallalieu, RTA ’76, writes, “I’m still working as a tour guide, but only in the summer, and am enjoying my semi-retirement. Anyone from RTA ’76 who wants to get in touch, bring it on!” He can be reached at bob.mal@shaw.ca. 70s 36 ryerson university Magazine • W i n t e r 2013 http://www.attilabattlecruiser.com

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013

Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013
Table of Contents
President's Message
Gould Street
Picture Perfect
Photo Essay
Feels Like Home
From the boardroom to the delivery room – midwife Jasmin Tecson follows her passion
Flying with the Snowbirds – Capt. Iain Cummings realizes lifelong dream
Alumni Diary/VP Viewpoint
Class Notes
Remember When?

Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013

Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 (Page Cover1)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 (Page Cover2)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Table of Contents (Page 1)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Table of Contents (Page 2)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - President's Message (Page 3)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Showcase (Page 4)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Showcase (Page 5)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Gould Street (Page 6)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Gould Street (Page 7)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Gould Street (Page 8)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Gould Street (Page 9)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Gould Street (Page 10)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Gould Street (Page 11)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Picture Perfect (Page 12)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Picture Perfect (Page 13)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Picture Perfect (Page 14)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Picture Perfect (Page 15)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Picture Perfect (Page 16)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Picture Perfect (Page 17)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Picture Perfect (Page 18)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Photo Essay (Page 19)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Photo Essay (Page 20)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Photo Essay (Page 21)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Photo Essay (Page 22)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Photo Essay (Page 23)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Photo Essay (Page 24)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Feels Like Home (Page 25)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Feels Like Home (Page 26)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Feels Like Home (Page 27)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - From the boardroom to the delivery room – midwife Jasmin Tecson follows her passion (Page 28)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Flying with the Snowbirds – Capt. Iain Cummings realizes lifelong dream (Page 29)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Alumni Diary/VP Viewpoint (Page 30)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Alumni Diary/VP Viewpoint (Page 31)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Alumni Diary/VP Viewpoint (Page 32)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Alumni Diary/VP Viewpoint (Page 33)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Alumni Diary/VP Viewpoint (Page 34)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Alumni Diary/VP Viewpoint (Page 35)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Class Notes (Page 36)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Class Notes (Page 37)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Class Notes (Page 38)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Class Notes (Page 39)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Class Notes (Page 40)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Class Notes (Page 41)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Class Notes (Page 42)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Class Notes (Page 43)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Remember When? (Page 44)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Remember When? (Page Cover3)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Remember When? (Page Cover4)