Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - (Page 39)

Brad Carr, Architectural Technology ’96, was appointed president of homebuilding company Monarch, Canada, in May 2012. His responsibilities include development and execution of strategic, operational and financial business plans for Canada, including both single-family and high-rise operations. He joined Monarch in 2001 as manager of land acquisitions and was promoted to senior vice president of lowrise operations in 2004. Stacy Clark, Image Arts ’92, is an acrobatic coach with Cirque du Soleil who recently choreographed the Amaluna show, which played in Montreal, Quebec City, Toronto and Vancouver. The show, about an island populated by women and led by the queen Prospera who creates a storm to attract men to the island, featured a female-dominated cast and an exclusively female band. A former competitive gymnast, Stacy joined Cirque du Soleil 12 years ago after working in advertising for more than a decade. Of the Amaluna show, she told the Toronto Star: “we’ve created a wide, new repertoire of skills that you don’t get to do in traditional gymnastics.” Sue Gardner, Journalism ’90, was the only Canadian to be named to Forbes’ 2012 list of most powerful women, appearing among the ranks of Hillary Clinton, Queen Elizabeth and Lady Gaga. Currently the executive director of the Wikimedia Foundation, she began her career as an intern at CBC Radio’s As It Happens, rising through the ranks to become senior director of the CBC.ca news website before joining innoversity Creative summit 1 rta alumna susan marjetti, centre, with hamlin Grange and Cynthia reyes, co-founders of innoversity. 2 Shelly Sanders, Journalism ’88, is the author of Rachel’s Secret. Wikimedia in 2007. The foundation, which oversees the Wikipedia open-source information website, has grown from eight people to 120 employees working alongside thousands of contributors and editors worldwide. Tom Gierasimczuk, Journalism ’97, is the new director of audience development and editorin-chief of BCBusiness, a flagship title of Canada Wide Media, based in Burnaby, B.C. Director of audience development is a new position that “speaks to the need of all media companies, publishing no exception, to approach business with an audience-first mandate,” he told Masthead magazine. “It’s not about what publishing companies can do, it’s what audiences need.” Caroline (Robbie) Montgomery, Interior Design ’91, writes, “I joined Quadrangle in 2007 after a three-year stint as managing director of Alsop Toronto, following the completion of the Sharp Centre at OCAD University. Prior to Alsop, I was with Robbie Architects full- and part-time since 1980. I was made an associate of Quadrangle in 2010 and principal in 2012.” Jason van Rassel, Journalism ’93, and Lea Storry, Journalism ’97, were married in Pictou, N.S., on Aug. 6. They met in 2010, while both working in the Calgary Herald newsroom. Jason has been at the Herald since 2001, covering crime and justice; Lea now runs her own Journalism alumni memoir and legacy Jason van Rassell writing business, and Lea Storry Family Lines. Visit married in august. ourfamilylines.ca. When you’re ready to soar, We’ll be there— With connections to 100,000 ryerson alumni WorldWide. ryerson.ca/ce/alumni Stayconnected! We’re in your corner. W i n t e r 2013 • ryerson university Magazine 39 http://www.CBC.ca http://www.ourfamilylines.ca http://www.ryerson.ca/ce/alumni http://www.ryerson.ca/ce/alumni

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013

Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013
Table of Contents
President's Message
Gould Street
Picture Perfect
Photo Essay
Feels Like Home
From the boardroom to the delivery room – midwife Jasmin Tecson follows her passion
Flying with the Snowbirds – Capt. Iain Cummings realizes lifelong dream
Alumni Diary/VP Viewpoint
Class Notes
Remember When?

Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013

Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 (Page Cover1)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 (Page Cover2)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Table of Contents (Page 1)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Table of Contents (Page 2)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - President's Message (Page 3)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Showcase (Page 4)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Showcase (Page 5)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Gould Street (Page 6)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Gould Street (Page 7)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Gould Street (Page 8)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Gould Street (Page 9)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Gould Street (Page 10)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Gould Street (Page 11)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Picture Perfect (Page 12)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Picture Perfect (Page 13)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Picture Perfect (Page 14)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Picture Perfect (Page 15)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Picture Perfect (Page 16)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Picture Perfect (Page 17)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Picture Perfect (Page 18)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Photo Essay (Page 19)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Photo Essay (Page 20)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Photo Essay (Page 21)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Photo Essay (Page 22)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Photo Essay (Page 23)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Photo Essay (Page 24)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Feels Like Home (Page 25)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Feels Like Home (Page 26)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Feels Like Home (Page 27)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - From the boardroom to the delivery room – midwife Jasmin Tecson follows her passion (Page 28)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Flying with the Snowbirds – Capt. Iain Cummings realizes lifelong dream (Page 29)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Alumni Diary/VP Viewpoint (Page 30)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Alumni Diary/VP Viewpoint (Page 31)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Alumni Diary/VP Viewpoint (Page 32)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Alumni Diary/VP Viewpoint (Page 33)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Alumni Diary/VP Viewpoint (Page 34)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Alumni Diary/VP Viewpoint (Page 35)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Class Notes (Page 36)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Class Notes (Page 37)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Class Notes (Page 38)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Class Notes (Page 39)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Class Notes (Page 40)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Class Notes (Page 41)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Class Notes (Page 42)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Class Notes (Page 43)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Remember When? (Page 44)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Remember When? (Page Cover3)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Remember When? (Page Cover4)