Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - (Page 41)

[2] James Martino, TRSM ’03, writes, “Nothing can top my Father’s Day present this year: Bianca Rose Martino, born June 17 at 8:36 a.m., weighing 5 lbs., 14 oz. Mom, baby and big sister Antoinette are doing great!” 4 alumnus and former ryerson staff member ryan rodrigues, director of development and recruiting at rotman. construction. He also earned his real-estate licence in order to offer a full line of services to his clients. Visit s333.ca. [4] RTA alumna Theresa Runstedtler is a former professional dancer and actress, who chose to shift her passion for popular culture from the stage to the classroom. She graduated with a PhD in African-American studies and history from Yale University in 2007, and is now an assistant professor of American studies at the University at Buffalo (SUNY). This past academic year, she was a Mellon postdoctoral fellow at the University of Pennsylvania, and last May, she published a book titled Jack Johnson, Rebel Sojourner, about the first African-American world heavyweight champion. “The book was released on the 99th anniversary of Johnson’s unjust MannAct conviction in the United States,” she writes. Johnson was the first person ever convicted under the MannAct against white-slave trafficking, an act so vague that it was often used to punish black men who associated with white women. Visit theresarunstedtler.com. [3] Malcolm MacMillan, Journalism ’04, has launched a website dedicated to baseball parks called The Ballpark Guide. He writes, “I’m a huge baseball fan and my dream has long been to visit every professional stadium in North America. So far, I’ve visited more than 30 parks. Each time I visit one, I put together a comprehensive fan guide on my website for fans who are travelling to that park. Each guide is geared to giving fans the best ballpark experience possible, from knowing where to sit to how to get cheap parking to what food items are the best.” Visit theballparkguide.com. Ayeesha S. Kanji, TRSM ’06, has taken her passion for organizing, learning and living a healthy lifestyle and founded ASK Inc., a company that provides human resources consulting services, global recruitment, creative services, and health and wellness services. Educated at Cornell University, Ryerson University, Seneca College, Sheffield Hallam University and George Brown College, she has worked in the fields of automotive, education, government, not-for-profit and entertainment. Follow her on Twitter @ayeeshakanji, and visit www.asksolutionshr.com or www.ayeeshaskanji. Dadmehr Shirazi Rad, Architectural Science ’08, operates his own design, construction and project management business, s333 design and 5 Murat Kaya, Electrical and Computer Engineering ’06, is an electrical engineer with more than 11 years of work experience in the utilities, nuclear and manufacturing sectors. He currently works as a project leader at the Nuclear Division of Ontario Power Generation (OPG). Previously, he worked at Bruce Power as a commissioning engineer, as well as in the Turkish Air Force supervising 12 technicians and operators in the assembly, testing, modification and replacement of cargo planes’ electric and control systems. He recently completed the one-year executive MBA program at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto. He is a professional engineer in Ontario, licensed translator (TurkishEnglish) and personal fitness trainer. [5] Ryan Rodrigues, Business Management Certificate ’03, is the director of development and recruiting of the executive MBA programs at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management. He recruits managers and executives with a minimum of eight years of work experience and with a minimum of three years at the management level to Rotman’s one-year executive MBA and 18-month Omnium Global Executive MBA. Gavin Slate, RTA ’04, last spring marketed his song Life of a Salesman by custom-designing and When you’re ready to soar, We’ll be there— With the courses, certificate programs, and learning flexibility you Want. ryerson.ca/ce/alumni Stayconnected! We’re in your corner. W i n t e r 2013 • ryerson university Magazine 41 http://www.s333.ca http://www.theballparkguide.com http://www.theresarunstedtler.com http://www.asksolutionshr.com http://www.ayeeshaskanji http://www.ryerson.ca/ce/alumni http://www.ryerson.ca/ce/alumni

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013

Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013
Table of Contents
President's Message
Gould Street
Picture Perfect
Photo Essay
Feels Like Home
From the boardroom to the delivery room – midwife Jasmin Tecson follows her passion
Flying with the Snowbirds – Capt. Iain Cummings realizes lifelong dream
Alumni Diary/VP Viewpoint
Class Notes
Remember When?

Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013

Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 (Page Cover1)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 (Page Cover2)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Table of Contents (Page 1)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Table of Contents (Page 2)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - President's Message (Page 3)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Showcase (Page 4)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Showcase (Page 5)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Gould Street (Page 6)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Gould Street (Page 7)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Gould Street (Page 8)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Gould Street (Page 9)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Gould Street (Page 10)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Gould Street (Page 11)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Picture Perfect (Page 12)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Picture Perfect (Page 13)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Picture Perfect (Page 14)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Picture Perfect (Page 15)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Picture Perfect (Page 16)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Picture Perfect (Page 17)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Picture Perfect (Page 18)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Photo Essay (Page 19)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Photo Essay (Page 20)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Photo Essay (Page 21)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Photo Essay (Page 22)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Photo Essay (Page 23)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Photo Essay (Page 24)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Feels Like Home (Page 25)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Feels Like Home (Page 26)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Feels Like Home (Page 27)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - From the boardroom to the delivery room – midwife Jasmin Tecson follows her passion (Page 28)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Flying with the Snowbirds – Capt. Iain Cummings realizes lifelong dream (Page 29)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Alumni Diary/VP Viewpoint (Page 30)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Alumni Diary/VP Viewpoint (Page 31)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Alumni Diary/VP Viewpoint (Page 32)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Alumni Diary/VP Viewpoint (Page 33)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Alumni Diary/VP Viewpoint (Page 34)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Alumni Diary/VP Viewpoint (Page 35)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Class Notes (Page 36)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Class Notes (Page 37)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Class Notes (Page 38)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Class Notes (Page 39)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Class Notes (Page 40)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Class Notes (Page 41)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Class Notes (Page 42)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Class Notes (Page 43)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Remember When? (Page 44)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Remember When? (Page Cover3)
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2013 - Remember When? (Page Cover4)