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Audio version

President's message


David Agnew

“The strength and health of our country rely on our active participation in the public realm.”

In June I had the privilege to address more than 7,000 Seneca graduates, as they celebrated the successful completion of their programs. Our convocation ceremonies are the high point of the year for all of us at Seneca, and they are truly joyful occasions with family and friends.

I have no doubt these newest members of the robust Seneca alumni community will find success in their next endeavours, whether that is launching or resuming a career, or continuing their education. Like you who have come before, they are well-equipped with the academic and career foundations to excel.

One of the messages I emphasize to all new graduates is the difference between making a living and making a life. As important as it is to find fulfillment in your work and family, it is just as critical to become leaders in your communities.

The strength and health of our country rely on our active participation in the public realm, engaging as volunteers, advocates and supporters of our communities. I am delighted to see our students take on these roles each day, and I am confident they will continue to do so as proud Seneca alumni.

There is no shortage of role models within the Seneca community who inspire us. This year, the Board of Governors bestowed honorary degrees on Rita and Rudy Koehler, the College's most generous benefactors. Thanks to this extraordinary couple, hundreds of Seneca students have received vital and welcome financial support.

And there is recent graduate Fatema Somji, the recipient of the Seneca Cup, and the past student representative on the Board of Governors. She has set an example with her on-campus volunteer work and exceptional academic accomplishments—and she's already a donor to the College.

The cover story in this edition of RED focuses on HELIX, the newly established business incubator on campus, where talented, young, community-minded entrepreneurs are developing products and services to improve our health and wellness. HELIX provides them the mentor-ship and knowledge to build their concepts into marketable business ventures.

One of the key ingredients for any successful business or academic venture is partnership. Seneca continues to forge ties with a wide range of partners from around the world. Recent collaborations with Siemens, York University and academic institutions in India and Central Asia are clear examples of this priority.

As well, our project to expand infrastructure and programming at the beautiful King Campus is gaining steam. This $100+ million expansion includes a significant community fundraising appeal, to be led by a volunteer group of alumni, business leaders and government representatives, who we introduce in this edition.

As King's expansion moves closer to reality, it's appropriate to reflect on the imminent 50th anniversary at Seneca. The work that began in 1967 continues, with the same goal of ensuring every Seneca graduate has all the skills and knowledge to, as founding President Dr. Newnham put it, “make good lives” for themselves and those around them.

Our many outstanding alumni (some of whom you'll meet in these pages) are living proof that together, we are succeeding in meeting that lofty goal.

David Agnew President

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