Seneca College RED 2020 - 36



Feed to Succeed care
packages distributed
to students in 2020

Seneca " adoptee " Ross Mason shows
unwavering faith in students

Continuing wife's
Seneca connection




The youngsters I meet from
Seneca show me the
world is going to be okay.

To learn more about supporting students
through a bequest in your will, please
contact Tan-Ling Yeung at
Pictured above: Ross Mason.


ROSS MASON is Seneca's most
beloved " adoptee. "
great gratification paying it back
He wasn't a Seneca employee, continued that tradition by
to support the next generation
nor is he a graduate. His
meeting with students at
beloved wife Karen was both
an annual luncheon and staying of students. "
During the COVID-19 panand her deep love for Seneca
closely connected with Seneca
demic, Mr. Mason, ever curious,
resulted in their generous
news and events. Seneca was
has been keeping busy by
Ms. Mason's alma mater not
improving his own computer
Ms. Mason was one of Sene- his, but you would never know
skills while working on his
ca's original employees and the
it. It's now his home too.
Spanish and Korean. Not
valedictorian of her Computer
In 2019, Seneca recognized
surprisingly, he's also been supStudies class as a mature
the generous philanthropy of
porting students in need. Mr.
student. Naturally, the Masons
the Masons with the naming of
Mason graciously contributed
focused their giving on support- " The Karen M. Mason Network
to Seneca's COVID-19 relief
ing students in the schools of
Lab " at the Newnham Campus
fund, and he made an additional
Software Design & Data Science Centre for Innovation, Techand Information Technology
nology & Entrepreneurship. The donation to increase the size
of his and his wife's endowment.
Administration & Security.
naming of this comprehensive
Even during a time of global
To date, nearly 70 students have teaching and learning lab was
benefitted from their award.
a tribute to her passion for com- uncertainly, Mr. Mason has
absolute faith that things
The Masons always made it
puter studies. Mr. Mason was
will improve and where that
a priority to attend Seneca
on hand for the naming cerepositive change will start.
Awards ceremonies, know their mony, to meet with President
" The youngsters I meet from
award recipients, learn their
Agnew and, of course, some of
stories and share their heartfelt the students he has been helping. Seneca show me the world is
going to be okay, " he says. " And a
support in person. When Ms.
" Life has been very good
darn sight better than it is now. "
Mason died in 2016, Mr. Mason to me, " Mr. Mason says. " I get


Seneca College RED 2020

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Seneca College RED 2020

Table of Contents
Seneca College RED 2020 - Cover1
Seneca College RED 2020 - Cover2
Seneca College RED 2020 - Table of Contents
Seneca College RED 2020 - 2
Seneca College RED 2020 - 3
Seneca College RED 2020 - 4
Seneca College RED 2020 - 5
Seneca College RED 2020 - 6
Seneca College RED 2020 - 7
Seneca College RED 2020 - 8
Seneca College RED 2020 - 9
Seneca College RED 2020 - 10
Seneca College RED 2020 - 11
Seneca College RED 2020 - 12
Seneca College RED 2020 - 13
Seneca College RED 2020 - 14
Seneca College RED 2020 - 15
Seneca College RED 2020 - 16
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Seneca College RED 2020 - 19
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Seneca College RED 2020 - 21
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Seneca College RED 2020 - Cover3
Seneca College RED 2020 - Cover4