Sudbury Living - Fall 2008 - (Page 3)
“Lif e is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments th at take our breat h away.” George Carlin FALL 2008 10 CoVer STory “Dear Sir or Madam, will you read my book? it took me years to write, will you take a look?” Paperback Writer The Beatles Sean Costello is a successful writer. His new book about a missing child is about every parent’s nightmare. COVER PhOtO BY AlfREd BOYd FEATURES 14 DeCor Kitchens: This over-worked room does double duty as a family room and a party room. Four articles provide food for thought. 38 oN THe ToWN 42 TrAVeL Photographers captured the smiles at the Sudbury Secondary reunion,and at the launching of the city’s 125 DVD. A trip to Bangkok and Hong Kong was the best of times for architect Arthur Peach. 22 oUTDoor LIFe 26 FooD 33 36 DrINK Sudbury has good bones for artistic landscape projects. Landscape architect Mark elliott says start dreaming now. Cranberries are the new “it” fruit, and a Bala grower is making some mighty fine fruit wine. 45 PASSIoNS 51 ArTS Members of cruising car club help the community while having fun on four wheels. FASHIoN remember the 1970s? Chiildren and t’weens are looking groovy this fall. Singer Jeff Wiseman sings from the heart. New shop across from Market Square gives customers an education in cheese. 38 FITNeSS It only takes 30 minutes of exercise three times a week to get in shape. 53 CALeNDAr 54 CITy STorIeS Sudbury’s film festival celebrates milestone.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Sudbury Living - Fall 2008
Sudbury Living - Fall 2008
Cover Story
Outdoor Life
On the Town
City Stories
Sudbury Living - Fall 2008