Sudbury Living - Winter 2008 - (Page 3)
“The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.” – E. E. Cummings Winter 2008 10 Cover story Curious about George? George Pothitos has the knack for knowing how to please Sudbury Theatre Centre audiences. COVER PhOTO BY AlfREd BOYd FEATURES 16 deCor wait until 40 FasHioN skirts 56 travel James Traditionalists Tailored jackets, Photographer 30 Sudbury’s gift guide – share some holiday cheer. Christmas Eve to trim their real evergreen trees. But thanks to artificial trees and greenery, there is no right or wrong time to start to deck the halls. and trousers with complementary knitwear and separates put an end to those “what to wear to work” mornings. Hodgins writes about his experiences sailing in the British Virgin Islands. 58 oN tHe toWN Movie people mingle with the Cinéfest crowd. Everyone was all smiles at 40 under Forty event. 22 Food of Simon’s As most patrons can attest, part of the joy of the place is the way it keeps changing and reinventing itself, another of Stuart Raymond’s key culinary ingredients. 46 HealtH aNd FitNess no longer 50 People aregetting “a shy about little work done.” There’s nothing like a good night’s sleep. 62 arts Birch String The Silver Quartet are Sudbury’s latest string sensations. 26 driNK The average Canadian drinks 86 litres of coffee each year. 52 PassioNsof belly Ancient art dancing celebrates the feminine spirit. 66 Wonderful Winter:of The photography Ray Thoms. 55 Pets to sneeze Nothing at, the soft-coated wheaten terrier is a hypoallergenic pet. 69 CaleNdar 70 City storieswonders Former resident why the Sudbury he remembers has been torn down and replaced with parking lots.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Sudbury Living - Winter 2008
Sudbury Living - Winter 2008
Cover Story
Health and Fitness
People are No Longer Shy about Getting a Little Work Done
On the Town
Wonderful Winter
City Stories
Sudbury Living - Winter 2008