Sudbury Living - Winter 2008 - (Page 55)
pets When Irish eyes are shining t’s a pleasant drive down horseshoe Lake Rd. in the south End of the city to pinehome Kennels where the Gale family lives with their four champion soft-coated wheaten terriers. seamus, Amber, Rose and their mom, Lulu, like to jump up and kiss visitors. “But they quickly calm down,” says breeder peggy Gale, who has been raising, breeding and training wheatens since the late 1980s. soft-coated wheaten terriers are those fluffy medium-sized blond dogs with irish accents and big brown eyes. Wheatens were originally bred as irish farm dogs and used for catching vermin, hunting small animals, herding, and guarding against intruders. But wheatens are also affectionate homebodies that like to be in the house with their owners, says Gale. seamus is an American Champion. his sister Amber won Best puppy in the National specialty show in halifax in 2005. Rose got her Companion Dog (CD) obedience title in one weekend at the Ontario Wheaten specialty in November 2006, with a highest qualifying score in her class. their mom, Lulu, now retired, was also a Canadian Champion. Gale’s love affair with wheatens started in 1987. she explains she wanted a gentle golden retriever but her husband wanted a spirited Yorkshire terrier. they compromised and bought their first wheaten, Molly, from a breeder in southern Ontario. Wheaten terriers are known to be gentle like goldens, but they have the spirit of terriers. Molly won a prize at her first dog show in sudbury and went on to win her Canadian Championship and Companion Dog Obedience title. in the past 20 years, cute and cuddly wheatens have become increasingly popular with pet owners. they make perfect pets for people with allergies to pet fur. the dogs have single-coat wheat-coloured hair and do not shed. A shaggy wheaten might be mistaken for a blond sheepdog. Many owners keep their dogs’ hair trimmed short because the show-length coat needs to be brushed regularly. Dogs are pale gold to honey blond in colour, and some have a touch of red with dark hair on the ears and muzzle. puppies are born dark and grow lighter as they mature. Wheatens are good-tempered, spirited, affectionate and loyal as well as alert and intelligent. the high-energy dog needs a large property to roam or four good walks each day. Gale recommends owners and their pets take obedience training. the male is about 19 inches long and weighs about 40 pounds. the female is 17 to 18 inches long and weighs about 30 pounds. the energetic wheaten is a friendly family dog, but it may not be ideal for small children because it loves to jump up on people, says Gale. pinehome puppies sell for $1,500 and they are usually sold long before they are born. the next litter will be available in the spring. Gale won’t sell two dogs of the same litter to one family because one pup needs a lot of attention in its first year, she says. Many people do come back a purchase a second dog a year or two later. BY VicKi gilhula soft-coated wheaten terriers are fluffy mediumsized blond dogs with irish accents. Pinehome Kennels has an informative website ( with lots of photographs of their champions. Winter 2008 Sudbury Living 55
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Sudbury Living - Winter 2008
Sudbury Living - Winter 2008
Cover Story
Health and Fitness
People are No Longer Shy about Getting a Little Work Done
On the Town
Wonderful Winter
City Stories
Sudbury Living - Winter 2008