DFI-India 2021: 10th Anniversary Conference The conference technical sessions take place on the weekends of November 12-13 and November 19-20, wi th the weekdays in between dedicated to networking with exhibitors and sponsors. The four-day conference features insightful keynote lectures from industry leaders worldwide, a panel discussion, along with DFI of India's much anticipated 10th Anniversary Conference on Deep Foundation Technologies for Infrastructure Development in India, originally planned as an in-person event in November, is being held online. This event is being organized by the DFI of India regional chapter in collaboration with the Indian Geotechnical Society - Chennai Chapter. programs for Women in Deep Foundations and the recently launched student outreach program known as Groundwork . Visit the conference website for more details on the technical program, schedule and sponsorship/exhibition opportunities. www.dfi.org/India2021 DEEP FOUNDATIONS * SEPT/OCT 2021 * 63http://www.dfi.org/India2021 http://www.michels.us