www.ykkap.com STFH Triumph (Ward 8) - Washington D.C. YES 60 TU Thermally Broken, Offset Storefront System with Insulating Glass The YES 60 TU is a thermally broken, offset storefront system for insulating glass. The system is thermally broken by means of a poured and de-bridged pocket that employs an internal process, ThermaBond PlusĀ® , to greatly improve adhesion and resolves the problem of adhesion and resulting dry shrinkage associated with typical poured and de-bridged systems. * Large horizontal/vertical spans for 6 " system * 1 " Standard Insulating Glazing with a 1/4 " Monlithic Glass infill option * High Performance Sill Flashing w No blind seals w Tall back leg for enhanced water resistance w Patented 3-point attachment of end dam Thermal Break * ThermaBond PlusĀ® * Integrates with our YKK AP Entrances and Sun Control Systems Configuration: Glazing Outside Thermal Values: U-Factor: CRF: Glass Setting Offset Installation Screw Spline Values as low as 0.33* Minimum 69frame and 68glass *Based on NFRC 100. Lower values may be achieved through further simulation.http://www.ykkap.com