CONTENTS SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2023 VOLUME 13 NO. 9 CI FEATURES SSI FEATURES CI's UNDER FORTY INFLUENCERS 16 16 | Commercial Integrator's 40 Infl uencers Under 40 We spotlight the remarkable women and men who are driving their organizations to new heights, while building enduring legacies that are entirely their own. By Dan Ferrisi 34 | Commercial Integrator Expo 2023: Ushering in the Era of Convergence Jason McGraw, show director of CIX23, spotlights the unique value proposition of the show for all attendees. By Amala Reddie 76 | i-PRO Prioritizes Products & Partnering A little lost during the pandemic was rebranding of the long-ballyhooed Panasonic name to i-PRO for the video security surveillance, public safety and medical imaging markets. Execs explain how channel strategy has been revamped amid a fl ood of new products. By Scott Goldfi ne deep dive THE 5th EDITION OF COLLABORATION TODAY AND TOMORROW 84 | Commercial Customers Come Clean All the technology in the world matters little without clear communication between an integrator and the client. To help ensure nothing's lost in translation, SSI's Commercial Security End User Forum off ers voiceof-the customer value. By Erin Harrington 92 | CPI's Real-Time Response Reaps Results Carolinas-based provider receives industry's premier alarm management company honor. Discover the multitude of elements that earned CPI Security 2023's Police Dispatch Quality Award. By Scott Goldfi ne 100 | Key Input on the Access Control Market People trying to gain admittance may argue to the contrary, but a security truism is you're either authorized or you're not - there is no ambiguity. There is far more gray area when it comes to business, as the SSI 2023 Access Control Deep Dive bears out. By Scott Goldfi ne After page 37 76 2 Commercial Integrator+Security Sales & Integration | Sept/Oct 2023 LIGHT & LINES/STOCK.ADOBE.COM MICHAEL CARR PHOTOGRAPHY