MJBizDaily Buyers Guide Retail Strategy mjbizdaily.com TABLE OF CONTENTS Developing inventory strategy and consumer profiles .............................................. 4 Lean inventories, product variety and exclusive offerings Building customer profiles Driving sales with data Stay well stocked: Managing the supply chain Tips for vetting wholesale suppliers Increase sales with non-plant items Assembling the team and improving employee retention ...................................... 13 What to look for when hiring cannabis employees Emphasize budtender training Mitigating employee turnover Hiring workers with criminal records Creating a unique in-store customer experience ......................................................20 Creating an attractive in-store aesthetic Think national but maintain local flexibility Offering more than quality cannabis In-store ATMs and customer cash solutions ............................................................... 23 Worth the initial investment Vetting ATM suppliers 2 Copyright 2023, MJBizDaily, a division of Emerald X, LLC. You may NOT copy this report, or make public the data and facts contained herein, in part or in whole. For more copies or editorial permissions, contact CustomerService@MJBizDaily.com or call 720.213.5992 ext. 1.http://www.mjbizdaily.com