SERENITY FROM HALLMARK HARDWOODS HALLMARKFLOORS .COM The collection is sourced from the landscapes of New England. The wood's innate warmth is fostered through gentle aging techniques, and each surface is delicately glazed with patinas that refl ect the seasons of the region. DARK ACADEMIA FROM TARKET T HOSPITALIT Y TARKET THOSP I TAL I TY.COM The carpet range beckons the exploration of deeper, more mysterious moods and emotions. Studies of fragile insects, sinuous foliage, and fragments of stained glass become a journey into 13 customizable patterns that are brought to life in deep jewel tones. ENTANGLED EARTH FROM DURKAN MOHAWKGROUP.COM/HOSP I TAL I TY Informed by mycelium-the networks of fungi and root systems of mushrooms on the forest fl oor-the collection showcases carpet designs that capture the essence of nature's intricate web with geometric precision woven with organic shapes. LEMUR IA FROM DULCET TI LE DULCET TILE .COM The indoor/outdoor mosaic tiles are inspired by the continents that purportedly existed in the Indian and Pacifi c Oceans. Each cluster, with an outer circle of Bianco Carrara polished marble surrounded by an inner core of white Thassos marble, reminds us of past memories. ENDURE FROM NOUR I SON HOSP I TAL I TY NOUR I SONHOSP I TAL I TY.COM Combining the sophisticated look of marble with the texture of carpet, the collection nods to the beauty of natural stone using the company's signature Axminster weave. Each design features hand-carving that echoes the appearance of large tiles and is available in either a gray-to-black or gold-to-black color palette (shown). NATURAL EXPRESSIONS FROM P IONEER MILLWORKS P IONEERMILLWORKS .COM Designer David Senise brings thoughtful sophistication and grounded aesthetics into wood fl ooring and paneling. Made with sustainably harvested white oak, the collection uses a UV-cured, hard-wax oil fi nish allowing each 8-inch-wide plank to express a variety of wood grain patterns. HO S P ITA L IT YD E S I GN . COM 61http://www.MOHAWKGROUP.COM/HOSPITALITY http://HALLMARKFLOORS.COM http://www.TARKETTHOSPITALITY.COM http://www.NOURISONHOSPITALITY.COM http://PIONEERMILLWORKS.COM