2 .GAMIL FROM JA I PUR LI V I NG | JAIPURL I VING .COM BOOTH #31 1 0 Meaning beautiful in Egyptian, the Gamil collection from Jaipur Living-comprising four rugs designed by Atlanta-based designer Michael Habachy-flaunts a neutral palette that integrates sacred geometrics inspired by various sites in Egypt. 3. BRYCE FROM NEMO TI LE | NEMOTILE .COM BOOTH #32 1 3 Available in four colorways including Sable (shown), Bryce is a large format porcelain tile that showcases the intricate, organic texture of natural stone, brought to life by the soft play of light across its surface. 4. POP LAMP FROM MUD AUSTRAL I A | MUDAUSTRALIA .COM BOOTH #1 42 A collaboration between Mud Australia and Zachary Hanna, Pop features a compact, rechargeable porcelain body with a dimmable LED light with four brightness levels. Handmade in Sydney, the carbon-neutral lamp comes in six signature colors. 2 3 4 98 FALL 2 0 2 4http://JAIPURLIVING.COM http://NEMOTILE.COM http://MUDAUSTRALIA.COM