FABRIC WINNER 1 . MOMENTS OF WANDER FROM HBF TEX TILES | HBFTEX TILES .COM Christiane Müller's fourth collection with the company includes three indoor/outdoor designs that reflect the designer's desire to create a sense of nurturing across interior and exterior spaces. FINAL I ST 2. WRANGLER FROM DEMAR LEATHER | DEMARLEATHER .COM A bold yet durable denim transfer is applied to company's premium Bavarian suede, allowing the user to mix and match classic jean looks with base colors for hundreds of possible combinations. 1 2 ART & ACCESSORIES WINNER 1 . GLOSSY RAL COLOR HEL IX STA I RCASE FROM MARRETT I STAIRS | MARRETT I .COM The helix staircase features thick boxed stringers that provide a robust foundation and complementary handrails crafted from circular tubing coated in a layer of oxidized bronze. Press-folded iron sheets arranged in a ribbon-like structure support the steps and risers. 1 HO S P ITA L IT YD E S I GN . COM 59http://www.hbftextiles.com http://www.marretti.com