RESIMERCIAL into much larger technology conversations, whether that's a student turning their interest in gaming into a career in game development, professors using eSports technologies to create experiences students otherwise wouldn't receive, or CIOs like me using eSports as a foundation for other projects. " When it comes to the university's technology, the center has Adtech CEO Dustin Campbell notes that an eSports project like this is not something you want the sales team to design, but instead have a strong solution architect engaged. Claff ey notes, " We've proved that a technology space like the eSports lab can be a tremendous success which builds the trust we need to embark on larger projects. That's kind of the story of eSports; the games are just entry points solidifi ed Crestron's standing as the infrastructure backbone, as the IT department made it standard for AV integration across the CCSU campuses. All renovated classrooms and lecture halls now feature Crestron AirMedia wireless presentation technology and an all-in-one 3 Series DigitalMedia Presentation System. Meanwhile, Adtech Systems learned lessons along the way about how an eSports project can fi t into an integrator's resimercial solutions portfolio for those looking to add profi ciencies and tackle larger-scale work. " It's important to have a strong solution architect involved in the project, " Campbell says. " Michael Blanchet from our team worked closely with George and his team to help translate what George was trying to accomplish in an elegant and reasonably intuitive system. This is not something you want a salesperson to design and then hand off to engineering. " 40 | CE Pro August 2022 cepro.com