CE Pro May 2023 - 19

Coastal Source: Now You See Me; Now You Don't
Today's homeowner wants something more than green or black boxes residing in their
homes' landscaped exteriors. Addressing this growing demand, Coastal Source has
placed a high emphasis on the industrial design of its products.
he modern home electronics revolution started
arguably 15 or 20 years ago when manufacturers
realized that homeowners desired more than
simply a high performing TV or pair of speakers.
Today's homeowner values how a product looks
just as much as they value performance and functionality.
One of the leading manufacturers bringing
these elements together is Coastal Source. Th e
Moorestown, N.J.-based developer of outdoor
lighting and audio systems applies its more than
60 years of product development experience to
design products that meet the performance, aesthetic,
and reliability requirements that homeowners demand from
today's home electronic systems investments.
Explaining how the company approaches the design of its prodCoastal
Source's outdoor lighting systems can be used for a range of applications such as illuminating a pool
environment for summer night swimming fun, to home security to minimize intruder break-ins.
forgiving, especially when the customer listens to our larger highperformance
speakers, " he comments.
ucts, Sean Snowden, director of design & engineering at Coastal
Source, points out just how rapidly the residential outdoor technology
market is evolving.
Modern Coastal Source Industrial Designs
Complement Outdoor Spaces
Snowden points out that over the past several years landscape lighting
has been trending towards smaller, unassuming fi xture designs.
To stay aligned with this growing market trend he says the company
developed its Niche line of brass micro fi xtures that off er integrators
and homeowners a small-footprint solution that unobtrusively
blends into a variety of spaces.
" We continue to develop upon our Niche infrastructure and
have exciting plans ahead. Th at being said, there's no denying we've
become known for our large displacement, high-performance speakers.
While our 10.0 3-Way Bollards stand roughly 40-inches tall,
they can be buried to a reduced height of 20 inches with some
models as little as 8 inches, " says Snowden.
Snowden is quick to emphasize that when discussing Coastal
Source and its product line, that integrators should explain the company
is a total systems provider. Th is approach means that Coastal
Source provides everything from the transformers, amplifi ers, and
waterproof cabling to discreet lighting fi xtures. Th e total sum of
these systems includes high levels of performance and reliability-a
testament to the company's attention to detail that extends from
cable design to meticulously engineered fi xtures & speakers.
Elaborating on the diff erences between outdoor lighting and outdoor
audio, Snowden continues by stating that while the product
categories share many things in common with what homeowners
want in terms of looks and style, there are specifi c elements that
people seek from the respective product categories.
" Th ere are certainly similarities in terms of making fi xtures and
speakers disappear in the landscape or trying to minimize the visual
impact as much as possible. However, outdoor audio is much more
Support Services Help Integrators Meet Client Objectives
As a total systems provider, Coastal Source also emphasizes that if
integrators want to maximize their ability to fully realize the capabilities
of their Coastal Source installations, they should take advantage
of the design services the company off ers.
Snowden says Coastal Source's design services save dealers time, and
it also provides a platform in which dealers can present their companies
as a high-level business for more professional presentations when
meeting with homeowners, architects, and other design professionals.
Beyond the scope of the company's design services, Snowden comments
there are several little things the company does with its products
such as its Plug+Play cabling that provides integrators a simple way to
reliably connect its systems. He also says that through its turnkey cabling
architecture dealers can react quickly to changes that often occur with
clients wanting to add to their systems midway through an installation.
" Do you need to add more fi xtures? No splicing required, " stresses
" Dealers can expand the layout [of a system] eff ortlessly without
compromising the integrity of the system. Like our cabling, our lighting
and audio products are equally fl exible. You can mix and match
parts to create your very own lighting fi xtures or combine satellites
and subwoofers tailored to your exact needs and specifi cations. We
work hard, so you don't have to. Th ese are truly fun systems to install. "
Underscoring the company's commitment to the market including
product development, industrial design, and support services,
Snowden adds that Coastal Source views its partnerships with dealers
as a critical component of the company's overall success.
" We are always competing with ourselves to fi nd better solutions
and technology that exceeds the needs of dealers and consumers.
We're fortunate to have our parent company, D'Asign Source, a
high-end Design/Build fi rm, that stays ahead of market trends. Th ey
are a crucial part of the implementation process each product goes
through, " he remarks.
" Real clients and installations keep our products as 'futureproof'
as possible. "

CE Pro May 2023

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of CE Pro May 2023

CE Pro May 2023 - Intro
CE Pro May 2023 - Cover1
CE Pro May 2023 - Cover2
CE Pro May 2023 - 1
CE Pro May 2023 - 2
CE Pro May 2023 - 3
CE Pro May 2023 - 4
CE Pro May 2023 - 5
CE Pro May 2023 - 6
CE Pro May 2023 - 7
CE Pro May 2023 - 8
CE Pro May 2023 - 9
CE Pro May 2023 - 10
CE Pro May 2023 - 11
CE Pro May 2023 - 12
CE Pro May 2023 - 13
CE Pro May 2023 - 14
CE Pro May 2023 - 15
CE Pro May 2023 - 16
CE Pro May 2023 - 17
CE Pro May 2023 - 18
CE Pro May 2023 - 19
CE Pro May 2023 - 20
CE Pro May 2023 - 21
CE Pro May 2023 - 22
CE Pro May 2023 - 23
CE Pro May 2023 - 24
CE Pro May 2023 - 25
CE Pro May 2023 - 26
CE Pro May 2023 - 27
CE Pro May 2023 - 28
CE Pro May 2023 - 29
CE Pro May 2023 - 30
CE Pro May 2023 - 31
CE Pro May 2023 - 32
CE Pro May 2023 - 33
CE Pro May 2023 - 34
CE Pro May 2023 - 35
CE Pro May 2023 - 36
CE Pro May 2023 - 37
CE Pro May 2023 - 38
CE Pro May 2023 - 39
CE Pro May 2023 - 40
CE Pro May 2023 - 41
CE Pro May 2023 - 42
CE Pro May 2023 - 43
CE Pro May 2023 - 44
CE Pro May 2023 - 45
CE Pro May 2023 - 46
CE Pro May 2023 - 47
CE Pro May 2023 - 48
CE Pro May 2023 - 49
CE Pro May 2023 - 50
CE Pro May 2023 - 51
CE Pro May 2023 - 52
CE Pro May 2023 - 53
CE Pro May 2023 - 54
CE Pro May 2023 - 55
CE Pro May 2023 - 56
CE Pro May 2023 - 57
CE Pro May 2023 - 58
CE Pro May 2023 - 59
CE Pro May 2023 - 60
CE Pro May 2023 - 61
CE Pro May 2023 - 62
CE Pro May 2023 - 63
CE Pro May 2023 - 64
CE Pro May 2023 - Cover3
CE Pro May 2023 - Cover4