Digital Signage & Video Walls The State of Video Walls How many video wall projects have you installed in the past year? In what markets have you implemented video wall technology in the past year? (Check all that apply) 51-100 1.5% 31-50 4.5% More than 100 21-30 4.5% Corporate 66.2% Education 41.5% Government 32.3% Retail 29.2% Hospitality 26.2% Casino/Stadium 20% Healthcare 16.9% House of Worship 15.4% 1.5% 11-20 0-5 19.4% 49.3% 6-10 19.4% What percentage markup do you typically make on video wall projects? More than 30% 7.8% How does your company's projected revenue derived from video wall technology for 2020 compare to 2019? Up 11%-20% Up more than 20% 3.1% 1%-5% 20.3% 21%-30% 23.4% 4.6% Up 6% - 10% 12.3% 6%-10% 11%-20% 23.4% 25% Little Changed Down more than 10% 20% Down 6% - 10% 16.9% 43.1% For what percentage of video wall projects are you implementing content management systems as well? 76%-100% 13.6% None 21.2% 51%-75% 10.6% 36%-50% 27.3% 30 Commercial Integrator CM2104 pp16-36 Digital Signage DD.indd 30 1%-25% 27.3% APRIL 2021 3/15/21 2:50 PM