Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 10
The Necessity of a Value Proposition
How to craft a concise message for potential clients that explains why they should do business with
your company. by Alan C. Brawn
you are assuming a theoretical treatise
on some marketing methodology... and
you would be mistaken. Before your eyes
gloss over and you hit the delete key, let's
discuss a guaranteed way to increase your
business. There is nothing theoretical
about value propositions. Without fear of
contradiction, I can safely say they are a
necessity. Whether you are a manufacturer,
distributor, integrator, or even an individual
salesperson, value propositions are the
differentiation among what appears to be
equals to end users and buyers.
The key word here is differentiation. I
have written extensively on the reality of
commoditization and parity. In short, most
" things " look the same to buyers during
a cursory review. A display is a display, a
mount a mount, and signal distribution is
just a way to get signals from one place
to another. As much as we would all like
to think we are special (drinking our own
Kool-Aid, so to speak), in the eyes of the
buyers we tend to be one (or more) among
many. Also keep top of mind that Gartner
research shows that 70% to 90% of a buying
decision takes place before a salesperson
is involved. We can thank the good old
internet for that. In their research, buyers
can make outright erroneous decisions, or
ones that lack the knowledge and details of
compatibility. More often than not, they do
not get the full story online.
A properly crafted value proposition
distinguishes one company from another.
This is not the overall marketing strategy
that speaks to a company's profile at a high
level, rather a specific subset of tangible
and sellable benefits a buyer will (not may)
receive by doing business with you. The
most common error in the creation of a
value proposition is what we call the " we
are better " syndrome. The problem with
this type of quasi value proposition is that
everyone says the same thing, meaning the
message falls on deaf ears. Also, finely crafted
value propositions are not formulaic,
A value proposition poses two questions: Why should you buy from me and not the
competition, and just as importantly, why should you do anything at all?
and will articulate specific things to fill in the
blanks. Each market niche will require some
fine tuning of the message, depending
upon their unique pain points. This is about
them, not you!
Technically speaking a value proposition
poses two questions: Why should you buy
from me and not the competition, and just
as importantly, why do anything at all? It
refers to the value a company promises to
deliver to customers should they choose
to buy their product. The key here is how
that value resonates with the buyers. A
value proposition is part of a company's
overall marketing strategy that introduces a
company's brand by telling potential buyers
what the company stands for and how it
operates. The value proposition segment
is a sales tool that tells the story of why it
deserves their business. This statement, if
worded compellingly, convinces a potential
consumer that one particular product or
service the company offers will add more
value, or better solve a problem for them
than other similar offerings.
In short, a company's value proposition
tells buyers a (succinct) list of reasons why
a company, product, or service is best
suited for that particular customer. A value
Commercial Integrator DECEMBER 2021
proposition should be communicated to
buyers directly, via the company's website
or other marketing materials or better yet in
person. As noted earlier, one size does not
fit all and they are not fill in the blanks. They
can follow different formats, as long as they
are " on brand, " unique, and specific to the
company in question. A successful value
proposition should be persuasive and help
turn a prospect into a customer.
Creating a Value Proposition
At its core, a value proposition is a promise
from the company to the buyer. It needs to
be simple yet persuasive in an easy-to-understand
edited list of reasons why a
customer should buy a product or service
from that particular business. If the list is too
long the buyers will not read it, and if it is
too short then it lacks impact. Think Goldilocks
and " just right. " A value proposition
should clearly explain how a product solves
a problem and fills a need. It communicates
the specifics of its added benefit and states
the reason why it's better than offerings
from similar companies, products, and
services on the market. To be effective here,
you need knowledge of the competition...
you need to know who your competitors are
Commercial Integrator December 2021
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Commercial Integrator December 2021
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - Cover1
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - Cover2
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 1
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 2
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 3
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 4
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 5
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 6
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 7
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 8
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 9
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 10
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 11
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 12
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 13
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 14
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 15
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 16
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 17
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 18
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 19
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 20
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 21
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 22
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 23
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 24
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 25
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 26
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 27
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 28
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 29
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 30
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 31
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 32
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 33
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 34
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 35
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 36
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 37
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 38
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 39
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 40
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 41
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 42
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 43
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 44
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 45
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 46
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 47
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - 48
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - Cover3
Commercial Integrator December 2021 - Cover4