Commercial Integrator February 2023 - 31
Thompson, these events will be open to
any AV professional - not just Midwich employees
- with the aim of raising £70,000
for deserving charities. He gives a sampling
of the events, such as a 156-mile cycle challenge;
a football tournament at a Premier
League Stadium; and The National Three
Peaks Challenge, which involves climbing
the three highest peaks of Scotland, England
and Wales, often within 24 hours.
Sandri reveals that, at the time of this
writing, FSR is gearing up for its joint project
with Kindness Shared Happiness Squared.
The organization, a nonprofit institution,
was created to " distribute happiness " and
help improve the lives of children who have
disabilities and financial needs, as well as to
create homes for rescue animals. " I am on
the Board of Directors, and I'm delighted
to support the many programs this charity
runs, " she says. " We're sponsoring their
Annual Christmas Movie Trip by sending
children in group foster homes to a movie
on Christmas Day, with vouchers for candy,
popcorn, drinks or snack of their choice. "
Sandri adds that these children also receive
a gift chosen especially for them.
Giving back undoubtedly has a positive
impact on the communities in which we
live. All it takes is finding that spark within
us and taking that first step. With that, we
can forge our paths to building a better
world for all. CI
Midwich has raised £300,000 for its various chosen charities over the past 10 years. At
the beginning of 2022, the company announced that employees could take paid leave
to dedicate their time to local volunteering projects.
Boy Scout Troop #22 of Clifton, N.J., adhered to safety protocols and continued to meet
at the space donated by FSR for about a year during the pandemic. Here, the scouts
practiced their crafts and continued on their path to becoming better citizens.
Giving Back Through Sustainability: Kelly Perkins' Perspective
Christina DeBono, president and founder of ClearTech Media, did some research into what our industry is doing to help solve
some of the ongoing problems we face, and she realized that no organizations existed that were trying to achieve any goals
with regard to sustainability. Working with a team of seasoned AV professionals, including Tim Alevizos, Matt Wilson, Joe Perez,
Thuy Chin and Debbie Williamson, among others, she launched Sustainability in AV (SAVe). Two major action items that pertain
to giving back to the community are SAVe Certification and SAVe a Second Life.
SAVe Certification centers on a workshop that discusses the history of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the U.N.
and how organizations can contribute by picking five or six goals that align with their mission. Then, participating companies put together
a plan of action, involving volunteer drives, canvassing events, donations and more. Meanwhile, SAVe a Second Life involves
repurposing and recycling products from manufacturers and vendors. Right now, we are trying to come up with a program that can
connect integrators, AV companies or universities, who are trying to get rid of electronics, with local organizations or education
institutions that could use them (and, thereby, prevent them from being wasted). All these programs are part of our effort to bring
about systemic change. If we don't act on these goals, we won't have a planet to live on. By giving back, we're ensuring that
everyone has the most basic of human rights: the right for future generations to live on this Earth. With SAVe, our idea is to help
companies and individuals within the AV industry navigate how to make a difference and enrich the community around us.
Kelly Perkins, CTS, is a Board member with SAVe.
FEBRUARY 2023 Commercial Integrator
Commercial Integrator February 2023
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Commercial Integrator February 2023
Commercial Integrator February 2023 - Cover1
Commercial Integrator February 2023 - Cover2
Commercial Integrator February 2023 - 1
Commercial Integrator February 2023 - 2
Commercial Integrator February 2023 - 3
Commercial Integrator February 2023 - 4
Commercial Integrator February 2023 - 5
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Commercial Integrator February 2023 - 7
Commercial Integrator February 2023 - 8
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Commercial Integrator February 2023 - 10
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Commercial Integrator February 2023 - 12
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Commercial Integrator February 2023 - Cover3
Commercial Integrator February 2023 - Cover4