Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 25

The Top Three Reasons to Leverage LinkedIn
Think you're too busy to spend time nurturing your LinkedIn presence? You might be selling yourself
short...and hurting your business in the process. By Alesia Hendley
THIS MONTH, we're going to take a
step back from DVLED and, instead, talk
about something that I not only love but
also feel isn't utilized to its full potential:
LinkedIn. Over the past two or three years,
I've worked hard to build up my presence
on LinkedIn. Nine times out of 10, most
people and companies only use LinkedIn
when it's time to seek employment or
they're looking to hire. But if you're solely
utilizing LinkedIn for those two things,
you're missing out on the larger scope of
what the platform has to offer.
You might say, " Well, Alesia, I'm an
integration company. I don't have time
to post on LinkedIn or any other social
platform. " Here's my response: If you can
spare a few minutes, think about these topthree
reasons you should at least consider
becoming active on LinkedIn.
Showcase Your Work and Culture
LinkedIn is a great place to showcase your
work. Photos and videos are a great way to
show prospective clients and employees
alike what your company is all about. Those
images represent living proof of the work
you're doing using particular products,
in various spaces, across client verticals.
When utilized correctly, LinkedIn can become
a strong visual portfolio of what your
firm can do and how you do it. If, over time,
you share this type of content consistently
on the best platform for B2B companies, it
builds trust and establishes your firm as the
go-to for your specialized work.
A great industry example is A.Visual. The
company showcases its work, yes. However,
it also showcases its partners, events
and the team-building exercises that have
easily made it a standout company on
LinkedIn over the last few months.
B2B is challenging at times. But there is
no social platform that's better set up to network
and engage with B2B than LinkedIn.
LinkedIn is the premier spot for B2B sales
and marketing, as it's known as the platform
for professionals. Everyone who is active on
When utilized correctly, LinkedIn can become a strong visual portfolio of what your
firm can do and how it does it. But that's not the only benefit. When active on LinkedIn,
your company page is selling itself to B2B partners and potential employees alike.
LinkedIn is there to build business in some
form or fashion. So, meet them there!
LinkedIn allows you to connect with likeminded
individuals in our industry. It also
allows you to become a part of a community
where you can share your knowledge,
collaborate and learn from others.
You can even create your own newsletter
on LinkedIn and add value to the
space by sharing your success as well as
your failures. Writing a monthly newsletter
is one way to highlight that you
are proficient within your specialty. This
builds engagement not only within the
community but also with potential partners.
This is exactly what you want:
You want to be active so that people
have a reason to connect with your
business. Go where your people are!
Find Your People
As I've explained, LinkedIn is the social
platform created for professionals. That
means a substantial number of users are
looking for work. So, let's assume you've
taken my advice and you're showcasing
your firm's work. Let's also assume you're
engaging with the ideal B2B companies
and partners. Now that you're active on
LinkedIn, your company page is selling
itself not only to B2B partners but also to
potential employees. Build your team with
the right fit!
Look for New Talent
You can start to look for new talent by
searching for keywords - for example,
" audiovisual, " " IT, " " network engineer "
and " audiovisual technician. " It all depends
on what you're looking for. But the
simple fact that you can use keywords to
search for talent is a plus. Also, take a look
at who is viewing your company page and
your personal profile. They're viewing for
a reason. They might be looking for a new
opportunity, and you'd never otherwise
know it. That's why LinkedIn is the best
place to connect, network and engage in
our industry!
Are you on LinkedIn? If so, take some
time to connect with me. I'd love to grab a
virtual coffee or meet in person to discuss
this more. (Perhaps I'll see you at our next
industry event?) Also, do me a favor and
connect with Dan Ferrisi, editor-in-chief of
Commercial Integrator, too. We're both active
there, and we'd love to hear from you.
Do you have a LinkedIn AV success
story? If so, send it our way! Email Dan at
MAY 2023 Commercial Integrator 25

Commercial Integrator May 2023

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Commercial Integrator May 2023

Commercial Integrator May 2023 - Cover1
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - Cover2
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 1
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 2
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 3
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 4
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 5
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 6
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 7
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 8
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 9
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 10
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 11
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 12
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 13
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 14
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 15
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 16
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 17
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 18
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 19
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 20
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 21
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 22
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 23
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 24
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 25
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 26
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 27
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 28
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 29
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 30
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 31
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 32
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 33
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 34
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 35
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 36
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 37
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 38
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 39
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - 40
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - Cover3
Commercial Integrator May 2023 - Cover4