PRODUCT INNOV ATION WINNERSPRODUCT INNOV ATION WINNERS BRONZE WalaLight Healthy LED Lighting Submitted by: WalaLight (855) 200-9252 WalaLight is a single source circadian rhythm lighting system supported with state-of-the-art Bluetooth (BLE) mesh control and scheduled automation. Featuring award winning SunLike natural spectrum LED chips, WalaLight provides the proper spectrums of light at the proper times that research has shown to promote a healthy circadian rhythm throughout the day. In many facilities, the indoor lighting provides an inadequate spectrum of light for a healthy circadian rhythm. Additionally, access to natural lighting is limited as patients and residents will typically need assistance to access outdoor areas. Sleep disorders associated with a poor circadian rhythm have been shown to have a negative impact on cognitive function, the cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems, metabolism, internal organs, and skin health. In order to promote a healthy circadian rhythm schedule similar to sunlight, WalaLight's schedule begins and ends the day at a warm amber color (2200K) removing blue light and will slowly transition to peak midday at bright daylight white (6000K) with blue light levels nearly identical to the sun. Like natural sunlight, this technology encourages natural sleeping patterns at night and energy during the days. JURY COMMENTS: * Creates a more soothing environment for patients. * Promoting healthy circadian rhythms so important. This solution makes implementation easy. * High marks for improving the technology of simulating daylight and ramping the Kelvin light color spectrum up and down for supporting patients' sleep patterns and health. 46 MAY 2022 / SUPPLEMENT TO HEALTHCARE DESIGN