Read more about fi nding the right heat press at Like this article? Read more Heat Press articles at A phalanx of Hotronix Fusion IQ heat presses await packing for shipment (above) By Adam Cort, Content Director O The best system is the one that best fi ts your particular needs as a decorator P.28 IMPRESSIONSMAG.COM JAN./FEB. 2023 ne of the most appealing things about heat-pressing as a means of apparel decorating is its relatively low barrier to entry in terms of the skills required and equipment costs. At the end of the day, successful heat-pressing depends on the consistent, predictable control of just three fairly straightforward parameters: heat, time and pressure. Th at's it. Or is it? While it may be true that heat-pressing is a great way of gaining entry into the decorated apparel industry (and decorating business in general: think promotional items, like cups, mugs, handbags, etc.) the devil is in the details. Hobbyists or casual part-timers may be able to accommodate ineffi ciencies or a feature (or lack thereof) in a heat press that may be " annoying " in some way. But professionals looking to take their game to the next level shouldn't-and ultimately can't-tolerate these kinds of things if they want to be successful. Same thing with build quality. Again, " making do " with a fl imsier heat press may be fi ne if all you're doing is decorating a few dozen shirts on occasion for friends and family. But building a thriving decorating business means having systems in place capable of dealing with higher volumes and a variety of product types over the long haul. What follows is a brief introduction to some of the more important http://www.IMPRESSIONSMAG.COM