Along with its many off erings, the ROQ exhibit in Long Beach was as much a party as anything else! A look at some of the apparel and equipment that's been debuting at Impressions Expo this year BY ADAM CORT, Content Director I n keeping with the state of the decorated apparel industry these days-healthy and growing fast-the apparel and equipment suppliers exhibiting at the fi rst two Impressions Expos of 2023 presented a wealth of new products. Examples, include everything from the latest in high-tech to an assortment of fun new garments. In terms of trends, there were three especially noticeable ones, every one of which speaks highly of the industry as a whole. First and foremost, there's the continued diversity of the industry. Whether it's entry-level, commercial-grade heat presses for those looking to take their side hustle full-time or big-ticket industrial printers for companies with revenues in the millions, everything-and I mean