ACCESSIBLE WELLNESS Today's luxury bathroom is designed to engender wellness in the mind and body, a place to reflect, refresh and restore. It is where the creative integration of design, products and technology offers a beautiful sanctuary to nurture whole health. KEY DESIGN FEATURES: Tubs featuring hydrotherapy and/or chromotherapy Intelligent toilets and integrated bidets Aromatherapy steam or standard showers " The luxury bath isn't complete without a tub...even if it won't get used, it's an essential piece. " JOY CHAO JHA ARCHITECTURE & INTERIORS IMPORTANCE OF THE TUB All hail the return of the tub. Nearly every designer in the study noted that a tub is synonymous with luxury, and, if space allows, they push for one even if the client says they don't need it. The growing movement toward multigenerational living is also bringing the tub back into the bathroom for use with younger children. LEFT The tub takes center stage in a light-filled niche. Bathroom designed by Aparna Vijayan, Ulrich Inc. Photo: Peter Rymwid Architectural Photography KBBONLINE.COM 55http://www.KBBONLINE.COM