DEALER DISH ABOVE Branding in the new showroom takes advantage of the tall ceilings and natural light in the space. BELOWAn area just inside the entry is utilized for retail sales of decorative accessories curated by Honeycomb Home Design. ABOVE A compact workstation for the offi ce manager is incorporated into one of the display kitchens. ABOVE The fi rm is launching its line of " Honey Cabinetry, " comprising cherry-picked door styles and colors from its preferred cabinet suppliers. SOURCES: DESIGNER: Ariana Lovato, Honeycomb Home Design; PHOTOGRAPHER: Lisa Maksoudian Photography ● CABINETS: Dura Supreme & Nickels Cabinetry; CABINET HARDWARE: Top Knobs; COUNTERTOPS: Caesarstone & Pacifi c Shore Stones; LIGHTING: Visual Comfort; TILE: Zia Tile 50 / MARCH-APRIL 2023