NEWH - Fall 2024 - 4

nd just like that, we find ourselves in the twilight of 2024. Summer is waning and we hope you have had the pleasure of
a relaxing vacation or other delightful recess. It has been a wonderful year so far; we have much to be thankful for and
to celebrate.
Sandy Banks
Many of us got to kick up our heels, learn, inspire, and network in Nashville at the wildly successful NEWH Leadership Conference in
February. In March, our Executive team met at Milliken to strategize growth for NEWH. You will see the fruits of our labor in the coming
months and years. And at the end of April/beginning of May, we managed to pull off the party of the year at the House of Blues in Las
Vegas in conjunction with HD Expo + Conference. Roughly 700 of you came out to support our 40 years of providing scholarships,
education, and many platforms that bolster our industry. We thank you and appreciate your reinforcement with many volunteer hours.
To our sponsors: You made this all possible. Without you, we are not a WE. A huge THANK YOU!
Our teams are still at it. They are very busy planning for more robust event offerings and valuable experiences.
Take a look at some of what we have in store:
Regional Tradeshows: We expect these shows to be bigger, better, and more important than ever in the
remainder of 2024. Save the date for the shows below and stay tuned for additional dates and locations.
» Atlanta - August 15th » Los Angeles - September 25th » Seattle - October 22nd
BDNY: Coming up in November, NEWH will be awarding roughly 10 scholarships at various venues over
four days. Because this is one of our main missions, we want to celebrate the bright young minds aiming
to work in our industry who will now be able to continue their studies because of the support from NEWH.
Don't miss any of the following:
» NEWH Green Voice session in the NEWH booth, where there will be two scholarships awarded;
» The HD Platinum Circle Awards Gala, where we will award four scholarships at this dinner celebration on
November 8th at the Lighthouse at Chelsea Piers in New York;
» The Women Leaders in Hospitality Breakfast and panel during BDNY on November 11th at 9:00am, where two (or three!)
scholarships will be awarded;
» The Gold Key Awards ceremony, held November 11th from 6:30-10:00pm at Cipriani 42nd Street in New York. Not only will
we award a scholarship, but we will honor our 2024 ICON of Industry, Diana Dobin, Valley Forge Fabric's Co-CEO and Chief
Sustainable Officer;
» Also in our booth at BDNY, we are going to continue celebrating NEWH's 40th anniversary with a toast. And, if that's not
enough, we will be hosting more fascinating EID and Green Voice sessions. These have become so popular, there may be
standing room only!
I hope you are getting excited because the possibilities for a rewarding experience at BDNY are endless. Head to to
find more information, schedule, and to register.
Looking further ahead, our teams are very busy planning two more fantastic Leadership Conferences you won't want to miss.
NEWH will head to Paris on June 23rd, 2025 for our first NEWH EU/UK Leadership Event. It will be the first of kind for NEWH,
showcasing great speakers, sessions, true international networking, activities, and more.
The 2026 NEWH Leadership Conference will be held in Washington, DC March 26-28th at the Westin Washington DC,
Downtown, where more inspiring content, networking, and engaging activities will abound. It will be the place to be in 2026.
Lastly, I would like to thank all of our hardworking volunteers and generous sponsors. We could not do what we do without you.
We are grateful and appreciate you more than you will ever know.
Here's looking forward to enjoying each other and making our industry shine!
In the Spirit of Networking,
Sandy Banks
President, NEWH, Inc.

NEWH - Fall 2024

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of NEWH - Fall 2024

President's Letter
Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity
Who's Who
Conference Roundup
Have You Seen?
Premium Business Members
Student Spotlight
Sustainability Point of View
Q&A: Mizuki Davis
Guest Perspective
International Spotlight: Eszter Radnóczy
Cover Story: American Leather
Project: Omni Austin Hotel Downtown
Project: Halidom Eatery
Project: Olympic Spa Hotel
Chapter Highlights
New Members
Partner Profiles
Sponsor Index
NEWH - Fall 2024 - Cover1
NEWH - Fall 2024 - Cover2
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 3
NEWH - Fall 2024 - President's Letter
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 5
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 6
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 7
NEWH - Fall 2024 - News
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 9
NEWH - Fall 2024 - Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 11
NEWH - Fall 2024 - Who's Who
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 13
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 14
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 15
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 16
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 17
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 18
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 19
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 20
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 21
NEWH - Fall 2024 - Conference Roundup
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 23
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 24
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 25
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 26
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 27
NEWH - Fall 2024 - Have You Seen?
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 29
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 30
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 31
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 32
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 33
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 34
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 35
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 36
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 37
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 38
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 39
NEWH - Fall 2024 - Premium Business Members
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 41
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 42
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 43
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 44
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 45
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 46
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 47
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 48
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 49
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 50
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 51
NEWH - Fall 2024 - Scholarships
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 53
NEWH - Fall 2024 - Student Spotlight
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 55
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 56
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 57
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 58
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 59
NEWH - Fall 2024 - Sustainability Point of View
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 61
NEWH - Fall 2024 - Q&A: Mizuki Davis
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 63
NEWH - Fall 2024 - Guest Perspective
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 65
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 66
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 67
NEWH - Fall 2024 - International Spotlight: Eszter Radnóczy
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 69
NEWH - Fall 2024 - Cover Story: American Leather
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 71
NEWH - Fall 2024 - Project: Omni Austin Hotel Downtown
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 73
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 74
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 75
NEWH - Fall 2024 - Project: Halidom Eatery
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 77
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 78
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 79
NEWH - Fall 2024 - Project: Olympic Spa Hotel
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 81
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 82
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 83
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 84
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 85
NEWH - Fall 2024 - Chapter Highlights
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NEWH - Fall 2024 - 89
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 90
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NEWH - Fall 2024 - 93
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NEWH - Fall 2024 - 98
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 99
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 100
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 101
NEWH - Fall 2024 - New Members
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NEWH - Fall 2024 - 107
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 108
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 109
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 110
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 111
NEWH - Fall 2024 - Partner Profiles
NEWH - Fall 2024 - 113
NEWH - Fall 2024 - Sponsor Index
NEWH - Fall 2024 - Cover3
NEWH - Fall 2024 - Cover4