occasionally to ensure even heating. Finding the warmest and coolest spot of any kitchen or venue is always good to know. In the case that it is too hot, this can be a little trickier. Refrigerated trucks or vans or inside refrigeration is always the best route, but not all venues and concepts can accommodate this. Large coolers with ice are always needed because not only will your dough need to be kept cold, but your ingredients will also need to be refrigerated. Delivery style bags are also a great tool as they not only keep the heat in but will also keep cold. Investing in a few may be a good idea as these break down when empty and can be easily stacked and stored when they are not in use. If the weather is anticipated to be hot and you will not have access 2 2 / P I Z Z AT O D AY. C O M / J U N E 2 0 2 1 020_PIZ_0621_KK.indd 22 5/11/21 11:55 AMhttp://www.sottoriva.com http://www.sottoriva.com http://www.PIZZATODAY.COM