RISING STARS Leah Scurto PizzaLeah - Windsor, California How did you begin working in the pizza industry? I always say that the pizza industry found me. I was 18, in college and totally broke. I walked into the first restaurant I saw and asked if they were hiring. I was hired on the spot and the rest is history... I'm no spring chicken to the pizza industry as I have been making pizza since 1997. I spent 21 years with Pizza My Heart and have recently started to make a name for myself with my own restaurant, Pizzaleah. What is something uniquely you that you have brought to the pizza industry? I feel like I've never wanted my style of pizza making to be defined by normal styles. I love to make hybrid styles and use a collaboration of techniques I've learned over the years. What's been your biggest challenge in the pizza business? Right now my biggest challenge is probably the same as everyone...hiring. What do you do to motivate your staff during these challenging times? I'm a big proponent of leading by example. If I work hard, they work hard but I also love to have fun. If my staff isn't having fun while they are working then I'm not doing it right now. I also make sure that any accolades I receive I give credit to my employees and make sure that those accolades are theirs as well. I couldn't do what I do without them. What area do you feel like you currently need to improve upon to continue taking your pizza business to the next level? Currently I'm trying to improve on my role as the owner of a company. I've always been in the mindset that I needed to actively work in the restaurant/kitchen day in day out. While I think it's very important that as the owner of the business I am hands-on and available to both my customers and employees, I sometimes let some of the more bureaucratic things I need to take care of as an owner slip through the cracks. What is something you've learned at Pizza Expo that has helped guide your business? I've been attending pizza Expo since 1999. My biggest takeaway has always been networking. It's a great place to meet other people in the industry and to share ideas. 5 4 / P I Z Z AT O D AY. C O M / J U N E 2 0 2 1 048_PIZ_0621_FTrisingstars.indd 54 5/11/21 1:19 PMhttp://host.fieramilano.it http://host.fieramilano.it http://www.PIZZATODAY.COM