Listen now 91. Live and Breathe the Pizza Business - Veteran pizzeria owners Jennifer Morales and Phoebe Reckseit have experienced a lot in their 30+ years in pizza business at Pizza Girls in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. On this episode, we talk words of wisdom, employees, closing a location and what's next for the Pizza Girls. 94. Takeaways and Trends from Pizza Expo 2022 - From above the exhibit hall, Jeremy White and Denise Greer share their takeaways from the highly successful Pizza Expo 2022, including pizzeria industry trends from the show fl oor. Thank you to everyone for making this year a great show. The Hot Slice brings you inspiring stories, strategies and lessons learned from successful pizzeria professionals and top experts. This podcast is hosted by the team at Pizza Today, the premier network for pizzeria professionals. THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS performancefoodservice.com