Industry Outlook The world pizza market is growing. The market is expected to increase by another $42.2 million by 2025, according to a Technavio release. North America is expected to see 44% of that growth. While industry indicators give a broad scope, we sought to take the pulse of the independent pizzeria operator. As we talk to pizzeria operators across the country, there is an uncertainty as they look forward to the coming year. Driven by volatility in infl ation and cost of goods, operators are cautiously optimistic. Nearly 69 percent of operators remain optimistic about the pizzeria industry this year. Of that, 33.6 percent are very optimistic. Another 22 percent are neutral on the subject. " The market is expected to increase by another $42.2 million by 2025. " We asked operators to select their top business priority for the coming year. The top three include: 1. Grow sales 2. Maintain current business 3. Add employees Investing in technology has been a game changer. We asked operators to select all of the technology purchases they've made recently. Off -premise sales, projected to rise before the COVID-19 Pandemic, have sped up. Operators shiſt ed and brought in new technology to help. POS systems and online orders are the most invested technology. Dive into more technology and sales and profi t margin projections in the full report. 48 / PIZZATODAY.COM / DECEMBER 2022 http://www.PIZZATODAY.COM