Security Sales & Integration January 2023 - 26

Tech Talk by Bob Dolph
Catching Up
on Your Zs
Yes, a new technology can
be a dealer's valuable tool.
Z-Wave Long Range off ers
4x wireless range, 10x node
scalability for larger network
support, 10-year coin cell
battery life and maintains
Z-Wave backward compatibility
and interoperability.
▶ FOR SOME TIME NOW security dealers
have had the challenge of wanting to keep up
with the customer's demand of integrating Internet
of Th ings (IoT) and smart home devices and
applications. However, many have been reluctant
due to the myriad proprietary systems. Th ings
are about to change big time on this with the
standard Matter 1.0. More on this in a moment.
Now for a brief review.
Two popular IoT protocols for many years had
been Zigbee and Z-Wave. Zigbee is a low-power
wireless mesh network standard targeted at
battery-powered devices in wireless control and
monitoring applications. Devices started showing
up in 2004. While having a transmission
range of 10-100 meters, low data rates of up to
250 kbit/s, the range of a network of Zigbee devices
can be extended by mesh technology. In the
past, the Zigbee community was built around
the Zigbee Alliance. As of May 11, 2021, the
Zigbee Alliance has been rebranded to Connectivity
Standards Alliance (CSA).
Th e other " Z " product line is Z-Wave. It was
Bob Dolph has served
in various technical
management and advisory
positions in the security
industry for 30+ years. To
share tips and installation
questions, email Bob at Access
content from his 20+ years as
Tech Talk columnist by going
online at
started in 1999 by developer Zensys, a Danish
company based in Copenhagen, Denmark. It
also is a mesh network using low-energy radio
waves to communicate from device to device, allowing
for wireless control of smart home devices,
such as smart lights, security systems, thermostats,
sensors, smart door locks and garage door
openers. Th e Z-Wave brand and technology now
are owned by Silicon Labs. More than 300 companies
involved in this technology are gathered
within the Z-Wave Alliance.
When choosing IoT devices what are some of
the key diff erences between Z-Wave and ZigBee?
Reliability - What protocol is the best at minimizing
data packet loss? Both protocols operate
in the 900MHz range so the only concern one
might have is neighboring similar frequencies.
However, this typically is not an issue.
Interoperability - Working with other similar
Zigbee devices was sometimes an issue before
the issuance of Zigbee 3.0. On the other hand,
Z-Wave devices, along with Z-Wave Alliance cerSecurity
Sales & Integration JANUARY 2023
tifi cation, makes all Z-Wave devices interoperable.
Speed - Th e Zigbee protocol is fast and suitable
in all or almost all applications of smart devices.
Z-Wave refl ects a lower speed and might
not be fast enough for some applications.
Connectivity - Zigbee protocol supports
mesh network connections between 65,000+
devices at the same time. Th is wide connection
would be vital for offi ces, hospital care and companies.
Z-Wave protocol supports mesh connections
with a maximum of 232 devices.
Signal Distance - Zigbee is good to about 40
feet from each other. Penetrating walls may be an
issue. Z-Wave is good for 100 feet indoors and
350 feet outdoors. Wall penetration is good. Th is
is now considerably improved with the adoption
of the Z-Wave long-range device (see product of
the month).
Security - Both protocols us AES128 encryption
standard. However, Z-Wave has an extra
layer of security - the S2 security framework.
Th is protects Z-Wave certifi ed devices from being
used in a DDoS attack.
Power - Both protocols use low power, however
Zigbee is better at using slightly less energy.
Z-Wave is catching up here, so keep an eye out.
I have saved the best for last. Th ere is a new
IoT standard breakthrough happening now. Yes,
you heard me right, NOW. Th is standard is Matter
1.0. It was released by the CSA. It has been
set in place and smart home manufacturers are
lining up to become certifi ed.
So, what is Matter? According to the CSA,
" Th is initial release of Matter, running over Ethernet,
WiFi and Th read, and using Bluetooth
Low Energy for device commissioning, will
support a variety of common smart home products,
including lighting and electrical, HVAC
controls, window coverings and shades, safety
and security sensors, door locks, media devices
including TVs, controllers as both devices and
applications, and bridges. "
Th rough a rigorous testing and certifi cation
program smart home and IoT devices with the
Matter label can communicate with each other.
Th ere are some features to look out for. No more
need for the Cloud, as devices are controlled locally
which should increase speed and response of
IoT devices. Built-in Th read technology, allowing
devices to piggyback of each other. It is expected
that many existing IoT devices should be able to
upgrade to Matter with a fi rmware update.

Security Sales & Integration January 2023

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Security Sales & Integration January 2023

Security Sales & Integration January 2023 - Cover1
Security Sales & Integration January 2023 - Cover2
Security Sales & Integration January 2023 - 1
Security Sales & Integration January 2023 - 2
Security Sales & Integration January 2023 - 3
Security Sales & Integration January 2023 - 4
Security Sales & Integration January 2023 - 5
Security Sales & Integration January 2023 - 6
Security Sales & Integration January 2023 - 7
Security Sales & Integration January 2023 - 8
Security Sales & Integration January 2023 - 9
Security Sales & Integration January 2023 - 10
Security Sales & Integration January 2023 - 11
Security Sales & Integration January 2023 - 12
Security Sales & Integration January 2023 - 13
Security Sales & Integration January 2023 - 14
Security Sales & Integration January 2023 - 15
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Security Sales & Integration January 2023 - 18
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Security Sales & Integration January 2023 - 26
Security Sales & Integration January 2023 - 27
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Security Sales & Integration January 2023 - Cover3
Security Sales & Integration January 2023 - Cover4