Systems Integration Selecting and deploying the right power supply is critical for an integrator to confidently ensure reliable system functioning. Find out how smarter solutions and technology advances are aiding the cause. By Bob Dolph Power E xciting times are ahead for low-voltage integrators and power technology. The expansive use of new power control modules, batteries, Internet and power over Ethernet (PoE) have created many new opportunities for the systems integrator. Today's tech-savvy customers expect integrators to have services that will keep an eye on system power conditions and be proactive in detecting problems. This reduces service calls for the integrator and less task for the customer. New battery technology is making power backup more flexible and reliable. PoE technology, TO THE SYSTEMS! along with new lighting technology, has created a whole industry for the low-voltage integrator. Those are just a few of the power wrinkles generating a buzz, and which we will now dip into more deeply. And for a little more fun, solve this puzzle: What do a Noble Prize winner, PoE and new opportunities for low-voltage technology integrators have in common? Check the sidebar for the answer. Increase Your RMR Remote monitoring of power systems can lead to extra recurring monthly revenue (RMR) for the systems integrator. This can be done with Altronix's LINQ technology facilitates monitoring, reporting and control of one or two low-voltage AC or supervised DC power supply/ chargers over a network. They report diagnostics via email and Windows dashboard alert notifications, reducing system downtime and service calls. 56 Security Sales & Integration JULY 2023 PHOTO COURTESY ALTRONIX