Security Sales & Integration June 2022 - 60

Monitoring Matters by Ron Bowden
Everyone Is a
▶ WE ALL KNOW and expect the employee
that has the title of " salesperson " understands the
responsibility of their job is to bring in new sales
and increased RMR. But what about the rest of
The fi rst and
best thing an
installer can do
to earn
the sale from
your customer
is to show up
on time.
your team? Th e normal nomenclature of the typical
security company is: Administrative, sales,
installation and service. All of these departments
depend upon each other for the overall good and
survival of your company, however, if you were
to ask anyone other than an actual salesperson if
their job includes sales, I am willing to bet you
that you will get a resounding " No, " which is
just not true.
Each department depends on and supports the
other department for the betterment of the whole.
All must be focused on increasing the fuel, or
RMR, that keeps your company running. No one
person or department can survive on their own.
In most cases, the administrative department is
Ron Bowden is Director
of Sales and Dealer
Development at UCC.
the fi rst person a prospect or customer comes in
contact with. You can call them the " Director of
First Impressions. " Th ey have an immediate and
lasting impact on how your customers will feel
about your company. Th eir actions, demeanor
and tone over the phone and in person let your
prospects or customers know that they are not an
inconvenience, but an opportunity, and their requests,
issues, or questions are not only important,
but will also be addressed.
Your admin team can also work on upselling
and making more loyal customers. When speaking
with a long-time customer who has an older
system, have them ask if it would be OK to have
one of your representatives stop by to review or
test their system with a tech and show them all of
the new " cool stuff " you have available. Th is is also
a great time to work with the customer on upgrading
their 3G units and getting a new agreement, if
you still have any left.
Your installation team's time to fl ex their sales
muscles starts once you have someone out at the
home for the upgrade, review or install of a system.
Regardless of how profi cient the salesperson
is, in the customer's eyes, they are always a
salesperson and some people will have a natural
Security Sales & Integration JUNE 2022
skepticism or resistance to them.
However, once the installer arrives on the job,
the pressure regarding the decision to buy is over.
Th e fi rst and best thing an installer can do to earn
the sale from your customer is to show up on
time. Nobody likes waiting around for someone
to show up for an appointment - especially if
they're paying you. By showing up on time, professionally
dressed, in a clean, well-organized van
or truck, the installer is telling your customer that
their time and money is important to you.
During a preinstallation walkthrough with the
customer, teach your installers to engage the customer
and point out any areas of improvement
or omissions in the system they are purchasing.
In many cases this gives your installer an opportunity
to sell additional equipment and/or services.
Th e additional information is well received
by the customer because in their eyes the installer
is not a threat, they are a person who has their
best interest at heart.
Much like your installer, your service techs
should be on time, professionally dressed and
well organized. Th is is important because no one
likes to have a service call, which means your
service tech may already be operating at a disadvantage
with your customer. Once the repairs
have been completed, your techs should take the
time to test the entire system with the customer,
review all the functions and operations of the
system, and again let them know about all of the
new " cool stuff " your company off ers.
Th ink about it, something as simple as a new keyfob
or doorbell camera may be just the thing to keep
existing customers happy. Once the installation or
service call is completed, make sure your employees
know to clean up after themselves. It shows your
customer that you respect them and their home in
addition to their time and busines. When your customer
is happy and pleased with your service and
installation, it's the time to ask them for a referral.
Th e worst they can do is tell you no.
So how do you convert employees that are not
considered salespeople into being a part of the
sales team? Educate them. Teach them the why's
and how's of your security portfolio and how they
can leverage that with the customer. Make sales
a competition and compensate your employees
accordingly based on their performance. As a
general rule of thumb, if you are not prepared to
reward someone for something, don't expect to
get it - whatever that is.

Security Sales & Integration June 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Security Sales & Integration June 2022

Security Sales & Integration June 2022 - Bellyband Page 1
Security Sales & Integration June 2022 - Bellyband Page 2
Security Sales & Integration June 2022 - Cover1
Security Sales & Integration June 2022 - Cover2
Security Sales & Integration June 2022 - 1
Security Sales & Integration June 2022 - 2
Security Sales & Integration June 2022 - 3
Security Sales & Integration June 2022 - 4
Security Sales & Integration June 2022 - 5
Security Sales & Integration June 2022 - 6
Security Sales & Integration June 2022 - 7
Security Sales & Integration June 2022 - 8
Security Sales & Integration June 2022 - 9
Security Sales & Integration June 2022 - 10
Security Sales & Integration June 2022 - 11
Security Sales & Integration June 2022 - 12
Security Sales & Integration June 2022 - 13
Security Sales & Integration June 2022 - 14
Security Sales & Integration June 2022 - 15
Security Sales & Integration June 2022 - 16
Security Sales & Integration June 2022 - 17
Security Sales & Integration June 2022 - 18
Security Sales & Integration June 2022 - 19
Security Sales & Integration June 2022 - 20
Security Sales & Integration June 2022 - 21
Security Sales & Integration June 2022 - 22
Security Sales & Integration June 2022 - 23
Security Sales & Integration June 2022 - 24
Security Sales & Integration June 2022 - 25
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Security Sales & Integration June 2022 - 64
Security Sales & Integration June 2022 - Cover3
Security Sales & Integration June 2022 - Cover4