Security Sales & Integration March 2023 - 33

Why She's on the List
▶ Nearly 30 years raising the bar as a leading
security business marketer, serving as a
model of professionalism with impressive
results for some of the industry's most dominant
installation and monitoring providers
Jamie Haenggi
President, ADT Solar
▶ Career began in 1992 when, while working
through college, an idea she had to improve
vendor management caught the attention of
National Guardian President George Flagg,
who implemented it and then asked her to
lead the startup of an international division
▶ Born 1970 in Duluth, Minn.
▶ With two sisters and one
brother, father worked for
department of transportation,
mother ran a daycare
center out of home
▶ Married 26 years to Jeff,
with two children
▶ Earned B.A. in international
relations and East
Asian studies, Japanese
& political science minor,
University of Minnesota
▶ Other honors include honorary
doctorate from Taylor
University, Marketing
Hall of Femme Honoree
(Direct Marketing News),
▶ If career had taken another
path: " would have pursued
travel and working
with people to make the
world a better place. "
▶ Left ADT in 2003 to follow
" a call from god, " calling it
" one of the most defining
moments in my life
journey. "
▶ Other interests include
mentoring young people,
mission work, traveling,
reading and hiking
▶ Other experience includes Holmes Protection;
working under Mike Snyder at both
ADT and Vonage; working under SSI Hall of
Famer Tim Whall at Protection 1, staying on
after it was acquired by ADT in 2016; being
named to present post this past December
▶ At Holmes, helped integrate 30+ acquisitions
in 36 months, before sold to ADT
▶ On at least three different occasions, held
title of chief marketing officer
▶ Since 2020, has also served as a board
member for Enphrase Energy
▶ Served as mentor and role model to many
women who have reached out to her
through the years, inspired by her assent in
the industry and leadership
▶ Philanthropy includes serving on Taylor University's
visitors board and president's advisory
council, mentoring college students;
also active in missions work through church
Driven to Redefine the Market
" The customer and how we best serve them
is what motivates me. Technology is moving
quickly and our ability to integrate and redefine
what 'life safety' means is exciting. The
smart home comes to mind when considering
embracing new technology and solutions -
and helps redefine 'peace of mind.' But peace
of mind now means knowing more about
what's happening in your home than simply if
my system is armed and if there is an alarm.
" I am excited by new innovation and solutions.
Solar is a great example of embracing
something that is coming to the home that
will eventually play an integrated role with the
smart home, and ultimately security. In my
early days at ADT, I led the effort to create an
e-commerce website. 'Adam' was our online
person who walked a prospect through a series
of questions to help design their security
Recently named to head ADT Solar, Haenggi says
the energy sector will become one of the most
transformative markets the next five to 10 years.
sell security systems - You're reading this
ad! " I cut that out and tacked it up above my
desk, referring to it as my 'pride and humility
reminder.' This has largely been a male-dominated
industry, with women playing more
administrative roles in my early days. I recall
often being the only woman in a meeting.
" I am a believer of 'created for a time such
as this,' and today I am excited to be both a
role model for women and lead solar for ADT.
It means a lot to me to be a role model and
mentor to other women as I don't need all
the fingers on one hand to name my female
mentors in this industry. In my current role, I
am faced with taking a very successful solar
company that grew incredibly fast and drive a
foundational structure that is customer-centric
and operationally sound in an industry
that is quite complex. Being able to bring
ADT's experience in scale, our reputation in
service and trust, and marry that with our
brand, I believe we will be unstoppable. "
Biggest Wish for Industry Change
" A new economic model. The economic model
of today limits the ability to truly drive a multiproduct
strategy over the life of a customer. "
MARCH 2023 Security Sales & Integration 33
home. They filled everything out and then
submitted the form and, within minutes, we
would call and enter their order and schedule
installation. We sold more than $15 million
when everyone thought we were crazy to try
it. "
Role Model Changing the Model
" Early in my career flipping through an
industry magazine I saw a manufacturer ad
with a large-chested woman wearing a tight
t-shirt with the headline: 'Do big boobs help

Security Sales & Integration March 2023

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Security Sales & Integration March 2023

Security Sales & Integration March 2023 - Bellyband1
Security Sales & Integration March 2023 - Bellyband2
Security Sales & Integration March 2023 - Cover1
Security Sales & Integration March 2023 - Cover2
Security Sales & Integration March 2023 - 1
Security Sales & Integration March 2023 - 2
Security Sales & Integration March 2023 - 3
Security Sales & Integration March 2023 - 4
Security Sales & Integration March 2023 - 5
Security Sales & Integration March 2023 - 6
Security Sales & Integration March 2023 - 7
Security Sales & Integration March 2023 - 8
Security Sales & Integration March 2023 - 9
Security Sales & Integration March 2023 - 10
Security Sales & Integration March 2023 - 11
Security Sales & Integration March 2023 - 12
Security Sales & Integration March 2023 - 13
Security Sales & Integration March 2023 - 14
Security Sales & Integration March 2023 - 15
Security Sales & Integration March 2023 - 16
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Security Sales & Integration March 2023 - 72
Security Sales & Integration March 2023 - Cover3
Security Sales & Integration March 2023 - Cover4