identify a shoplifter by their facial features or a VIP customer using the same technology? Incorporating that into our solutions is and continues to be critical. We think it's going to be a big part of our offerings to go forward. AI is already incorporated into the business analytics solutions where we're doing everything from monitoring footfall to traffic count to point of sale exception reporting, which is a big one for our customers. A lot of them are reliant on POS exception reporting with video integration, which integrates AI capabilities and machine learning to analyze vast sets of data. AI has proven very effective in that and a huge help to asset protection clients in assessing where loss is occurring in the organization. Some use cases are: What are my stores needing right down to the employee? Where is loss occurring in my company? What locations have $50-plus voided transactions or no sales during the past 48 hours? They can get down to that level of granularity. They can click on a transaction and video pops up. It's a robust solution to figure out how fraud is occurring or realizing if a corrective measure needs to take place in order to stop loss at a particular location. What vendors does Interface partner with and rely on for that AI technology? Foley: We work with a number of different partners. All of our camera manufacturers are building in AI at the edge level, and that ranges from Axis to Hanwha, with good partnerships there. On the solution side, we've partnered with Prism, a Silicon Valley-based former startup on the cutting edge in the AI space. Through both partnerships and native integration, we are bringing those solutions into the products we go to market with. How realistic are manufacturers about what AI can truly do today? We've seen a lot of bleeding-edge solutions before; what's real and what's not regarding AI? Foley: That's why a solutions provider/integrator like Interface must MAY 2022 Security Sales & Integration 25 have a solid product and design team. We get pitched just about every AI-based technology you can imagine and separating the wheat from the chaff is not an easy exercise. You need talented people to do that. We are constantly assessing those new products and technologies. We believe we've found some really good ones and have great partners in