Management Smarter Software Platforms POWER SECURITY SUCCESS Having the right tool at arm's reach is just as important in the offıce as it is in the fıeld. From an operations standpoint, that translates into the latest business and fınancial management solutions. Discover what capabilities and features should be considered and why. By Justin DeBaggis and Bill Brousseau I 40 n the past several years, we've seen a shift not only in the types of available business and fi nancial management solutions, but also in the way companies are implementing solutions to meet their specifi c needs. From increasing revenue to reducing labor costs, a strategically implemented solution can make a huge impact on Security Sales & Integration OCTOBER 2021 your bottom line. Business and fi nancial management solutions have changed the way security companies do business -for the better. Th e solutions themselves have evolved in response to need and performance demands. With a thorough evaluation of business needs and a better understanding of the value these solutions bring, it may be time for a change. Let's dive in. 3 Signifi cant Shifts 1. Solutions Are More Purpose-Built and Custom: When it comes to business management, a customized, purpose-built solution designed specifi cally for your vertical is far more likely to embody the voice of the customer. Th is is something you won't get from a more general solution. By design, out-of-the-box securitysales.com