Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 25
ployees and visitors for meetings and
events. Instead, the integrator may suggest
using a smartphone-based system.
Facility visitors receive an invitation to
download a credential and app before
arrival, eliminating the need to check
in at the front desk and register for a
temporary badge.
Replacing traditional card systems
with smartphone-based credentials provides
greater security, convenience and
cost savings. For example, smartphones
require possession of the device, a personal
identification number or biometric
verification to unlock it, the app
and a downloaded credential. A phone's
built-in GPS lets managers precisely locate
each device (and its owner). And
with mobile credentialing in place, there
is no need to purchase, store, handle or
print physical badges and ship them to
remote campuses.
Using facial, iris or fingerprint recognition,
biometric readers are additional
access control options an integrator may
want to recommend. Biometrics measures
bodily characteristics for identification,
eliminating fears of lost, stolen
or borrowed access cards being used for
unauthorized entry.
Security and More
All corporate campuses require emergency
planning. Campus security directors
may seek input from their integrator
in the installation, training and
managing of emergency communication
systems to prepare for unexpected
events ranging from an active shooter to
severe weather. An aspect of a campus'
emergency plan will include training on
the accurate use of the system, as well
as identifying multiple evacuation sites
to ensure employees safely exit during
various situations. An integrator can
provide additional value by participating
in regular drills which are essential
for campus employees to understand
A central SOC opens opportunities
for campus security to manage multisite
security campuses and address
OCTOBER 2022 Security Sales & Integration 25
risk management and business operations.
Using video from each site, security
and other corporate personnel
can track assets and monitor traffic, inventory
control, identity management,
employee productivity, process adherence,
and more.
Experienced systems integrators are a
key partner in the developing a facility's
security operations. An integrator will
conduct a risk assessment, highlighting
areas that might need improvement. http://605-356-2772

Security Sales & Integration October 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Security Sales & Integration October 2022

Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - Cover1
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - Cover2
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 1
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 2
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 3
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 4
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 5
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 6
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 7
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 8
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 9
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 10
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 11
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 12
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 13
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 14
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 15
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 16
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 17
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 18
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 19
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 20
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 21
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 22
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 23
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 24
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 25
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 26
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 27
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 28
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 29
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 30
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 31
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Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 33
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 34
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Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 36
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 37
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 38
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 39
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 40
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 41
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Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 51
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 52
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 53
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 54
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 55
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 56
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 57
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 58
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 59
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 60
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 61
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 62
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 63
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - 64
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - Cover3
Security Sales & Integration October 2022 - Cover4