STEPPING UP TO SELF-CARE The hidden dark side of fitness How a relentless pursuit of physical perfection can impact mental health with tragic outcomes S croll through your social media feed and you'll be bombarded with airbrushed, flawless, sculpted bodies. It creates an unrealistic standard, but one that many people still strive to attain. Exercise and good health are crucial aspects of a balanced lifestyle, but the relentless pursuit of an 'ideal' body can have a darker side that's often overlooked. This obsession for fitness can result in severe mental health-related issues such as anxiety, depression or suicidal thoughts. That's why achieving a balance between fitness and self-love is crucial for mental wellbeing - it's OK not to chase society's perception of perfection. A FITNESS CRISIS Many people turn to fitness to cope with stress or low self-esteem. But when the focus shifts solely to body image and external validation, it can create a toxic cycle. Feeling inadequate can lead to disordered eating, excessive exercise and unhealthy comparisons with others. The pressure to maintain a specific appearance can distract from the true purpose of physical activity, which is to feel good both mentally and physically. This disparity between physical health and mental wellbeing is increasingly worrisome. SOS Silence of Suicide recognises that many individuals use excessive fitness to conceal more profound emotional struggles. The team is actively addressing these concerns within the fitness community by advocating for open discussions about mental health and providing essential resources. The hope is to acknowledge underlying emotions and encourage conversations about mental health. BREAKING THE SILENCE Addressing the stigma around mental health is vital. Disclosing how you're feeling can be a powerful catalyst for change. Discussing suicide doesn't increase suicidal behaviour - it allows those in pain to express their feelings and ask for support. We can support each other by sharing our experiences. That's why SOS Silence of Suicide aims PHOTOGRAPHY: Unsplash