JUNE/JULY 2 O 2 1 26 C OLUMNS 4 EDITOR'S TAKEOFF Coming Apart at the Seams By Jennifer Wilberschied 8 C OV E R S T ORY Cantankerous Corrosion Like any metal object, an aircraft is characteristically prone to corrosion. Much time is spent to delay it, but inevitably, nature will prevail. Read more, starting on page 8 . F E ATUR E S TECH SPOTLIGHT 14 Smarter, Simpler, Safer: How Modern Exterior Lighting is Transforming Commercial Aircraft By Laurie Weller 14 SPECIAL FEATURE 2O The New and Old of Propeller Maintenance By Walker Jaroch MRO FEATURE 26 Committed to Excellence By Ronnie Wendt PRODUCT FOCUS: PAINT REMOVERS 32 Strip and Start Again: A New 2O Follow us FACEBOOK facebook.com/AMTmagazine TWITTER @AMTmag LINKEDIN linkedin.com/groups/1760887 www.AviationPros.com 3 Aircraft Repainting Process By Jessica Purgett ON THE COVER: Corrosion caused by Lavatory fluids. SEAL AVIATION 32 39 ARSA INSIGHT Go When They Are By Brett Levanto 4O ATEC INSIGHT New National Initiative Will Build Maintenance Career Pipelines By Crystal Maguire 42 SHOP TALK Where are my Parts? By Ronald Donner DEPA R TMEN T S 6 Industry Inspection 41 Advertiser's Indexhttp://www.AviationPros.com http://www.facebook.com/AMTmagazine http://www.linkedin.com/groups/1760887 http://www.twitter.com/AMTmag