Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 47

crew members. Monthly testing of all employees. Testing pilots.
Repositioning crews on company jets vs. airlines. Personal protective equipment (PPE) for employees and clients. Re-evaluating these
steps as new rules and official guidelines are issued.
As we seek the best practices to keep employees, customers
and passengers safe, there appears to be no "one size fits all," nor
consistent standards across organizations, many of whom work
together in the course of serving business aviation clients.
Passengers may have their own expectations of safety and service, questioning the aircraft's prior use, new procedures, the use of
Flight Attendants and even requesting pilots be tested for COVID19. Visible measures like PPE, physical distancing and intensified
cleaning efforts also go a long way toward demonstrating a commitment to safety.

Few would argue that safety
and service have ever been as
intertwined as they are now.
The truly good news is the influx of first-time private flyers
reported by Part 135 and Part 91K participants. Private flying
is moving from lifestyle to utility. Part 91 chat guests also note
additional tiers of executives now authorized to fly on company
aircraft for safety reasons.

Simulating scenarios - such as passengers who appear sick,
clients leaning in for a handshake and suspected contact mid-trip
with COVID-19 positive individuals - is helping teams feel more
confident and prepared, whether currently operating or planning
a return to service.
Good communication is crucial. Passengers are being advised
of new procedures and the impact on their travel (e.g. fewer seats
in the cabin can be occupied, no valet parking, etc.), but must also
be kept apprised of changing protocols. Physical distancing by not
overlapping shifts requires strong communication. Leadership's
communication with teams and individuals to develop, train and
reassess new SOP's is key to enacting them throughout the organization. One Director said after every flight the team - crew,
maintenance and scheduling - conferences to talk about the
new protocols: "What went well, what didn't and what needs to
be fixed?"
Whether you join our chats or reach out to others directly, networking and exchanging information and experiences with other
aviation professionals has tremendous value. As guest speaker
Don Chupp, president & CEO, Fireside Partners, pointed out on
an early chat, practicing physical distancing is what is safe and
required, but social closeness is equally needed.

Fluid Situation
What happens if a customer or employee has an elevated temperature? What protocols do FBO's and ground transportation
providers use? Are there exceptions to quarantine upon arrival
restrictions, domestically and internationally?
The CDC, OSHA, OEM's, and many private companies provide
relevant information. Organizations like the NBAA, NATA and local
business aviation groups work tirelessly to collate and disseminate
up-to-date information. With clinical trials for a COVID-19 vaccine underway and global restrictions continually changing, the
situation is likely to remain fluid for some time.

Human Factors
COVID-19 and resulting protocols add to employees' workload and
can be distracting. Wearing masks all day or on long flights can be
fatiguing. To help people focus on their jobs, leadership should be
sensitive to the human factor issues facing their teams. One OEM
chat participant said the use of masks in their facility made technicians hot and uncomfortable while working. So, management
purchased extra air conditioning units to keep everyone cooler.
Keeping the team engaged and positive is paramount, despite
working remotely. Daily video calls are commonplace to keep the
personal touch, with some holding regularly scheduled, informal
calls incorporating games, inviting kids and pets, etc. A few are
evaluating if working from home is improving or hindering productivity and whether working remotely should become permanent.

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Aircraft Maintenance Technology

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Aircraft Maintenance Technology

A Place for Everything
The Wide World of Wi-Fi
Aftermarket Post COVID
Flying Colours' Flight Path
Precision Tools for Precise Jobs
What Aviation Maintenance Training Looks Like in a Pandemic
It Will Get Worse
Editor's Takeoff: From Toy Boxes to Toolboxes
Professionalism: The New Face of Safety and Service
GAMA Insight: Embracing Remote and Virtual Assist Technologies
Industry Inspection
Advertiser's Index
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 1
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 2
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 3
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - Editor's Takeoff: From Toy Boxes to Toolboxes
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 5
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 6
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 7
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - Industry Inspection
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 9
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - A Place for Everything
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 11
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 12
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 13
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - The Wide World of Wi-Fi
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 15
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 16
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 17
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - Aftermarket Post COVID
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 19
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 20
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 21
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - Flying Colours' Flight Path
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 23
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 24
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 25
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 26
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 27
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - Precision Tools for Precise Jobs
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 29
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 30
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 31
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 32
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 33
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 34
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 35
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - What Aviation Maintenance Training Looks Like in a Pandemic
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 37
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 38
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 39
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 40
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 41
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - It Will Get Worse
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 43
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 44
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 45
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - Professionalism: The New Face of Safety and Service
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 47
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - GAMA Insight: Embracing Remote and Virtual Assist Technologies
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - Advertiser's Index
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 50
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 51
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 52