Airport_Business_November_2020 - 24
Ben Wagner, C.M.
Growing up, Ben Wagner found himself drawn to the wonders
of flight at an early age.
" I grew up in western Wisconsin and anytime we took a trip to
the Twin Cities, I begged my parents to go watch airplanes, "
recounts Wagner.
His passions growing from airplanes to airports, Wagner is
now an airport duty manager for the Spokane International
Airport and Felts Field. In the role he utilizes his other passion
- the outdoors.
" What I enjoy about what I do is that it combines the passion
that I had at a young age for aviation and wildlife hazard
management. I'm kind of an outdoorsy guy, so you put those
two things together and it puts me right in my wheelhouse. "
Hometown: Menomonie, WI
Wagner has been in the position for 16 years and
Alma Mater: St. Cloud State University
was awarded the USDA Wildlife Services Group
Fun fact about yourself: I like to
for Excellence in Wildlife Hazard Management,
mimic bird songs.
presented to him at the 2019 Washington Airport
Management Association Annual Meeting.
Someone I look up to in the
industry: Education (Pat Mattson
Aside from his duties with wildlife management,
Professor Retired), Internships (Dave
Wagner handles military operations coordination,
Beaver OWA, John Ostrom MSP),
recently participating in a large-scale exercise
Employment (Laurence Schafer USDA
called Mobility Guardian, in which Air Force
APHIS Biologist, Larry Krauter-Ryan
tanker alert aircraft were stationed at the airport's
Sheehan-Adam Phelps-Jeff Mitchell GEG
facility. Wagner also takes on the sensitive task of
Admin, OPS and Maintenance leads).
coordinating the return of honorable remains of
My favorite thing about aviation
armed forces veterans and assists with Honor Flight,
is: Working in an industry that can be
which transports veterans back to Washington, DC
cutting edge and old school all at the
to visit the memorials.
same time.
Wagner has earned the American Association of Airport
Executives (AAAE) Certified Member credential and has
also completed the AAAE Airport Certified Employee (ACE)
Operations credential.
" Airports, in general, I think they are
fun and exciting. "
In addition to all that, Wagner mentors entry level operations
staff and dedicates himself to their success. And outside of
work, he serves his local communities by volunteering with
Blessings Under the Bridge, an organization that assists the
The diversity his role offers him is just what Wagner said he
enjoys most about his work.
" Aviation, it's different every day, especially when you work at
a small hub airport. Each day you come in, you get to take on
unique challenges, and with support from other departments,
provide a first class product. "
Justin Anderson, C.M.
Justin Anderson's interests in aviation took off when he was a
teenager, but in college his involvement in the local American
Association of Airport Executives (AAAE) chapter pushed him
towards airports.
" I toured various airports through Ohio State's local AAAE
chapter, " Anderson said. " Seeing the layouts of airports while
watching the flow of people, aircraft, baggage and ground
transportation was fascinating to me. I continue to let that
fascination be my driver. "
In 2017, Anderson joined the Columbus Regional Airport
Authority (CRAA), where he now has his hands in the complex
systems that first fascinated him.
" I like the flexibility this industry forces you to have.
Hometown: Aldie, VA
Whether you're a flight crew member, an
airport employee, an aircraft mechanic or a
Alma Mater: Ohio State, Bachelors; University
of Florida, Masters
consultant, this industry requires you to think
critically and adapt to its constantly changing
Fun fact about yourself: I enjoy
environment, " he said.
woodworking; It challenges me and acts as my
creative outlet.
Anderson's notable achievements in his
Someone I look up to in the industry: I
previous role as a consultant and his current
really look up to the first responders and essential role have resulted in airside and terminal
workers at airports right now, especially during
improvements at various airports.
times like this. They're keeping our facilities clean
Anderson presented on some of these
and operational.
airport improvements at the 2019 ACC/
My favorite thing about aviation is: Being AAAE Planning, Design and Construction
part of a complex system that brings someone to
Symposium and 2019 Ohio Aviation
their destination.
Association Conference. His work ethic led
to Anderson's promotion to senior airport planner in 2019,
allowing him to oversee CRAA's planning initiatives.
Currently Anderson is in the process of planning a terminal
redevelopment program for the John Glenn Columbus Airport.
" I enjoy working with a talented, dynamic team on recreating
the front door to Columbus and determining the needs for this
facility, " Anderson added.
In 2019, Anderson was invited to serve on CRAA's new
Innovation Team, where he strategizes on how new revenue
streams can be obtained. He also served as an expert panelist
at the Ohio Urban Air Mobility Conference in 2020, speaking
to students and industry professionals on how airports will
accommodate future electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing
(eVTOL) companies.
Outside of work, Anderson serves as a board of director for the
Ohio Aviation Association, an organization that advocates for
Ohio airports - he is an evaluator on the association's annual
scholarship program.
He also works with educational institutions on the mentoring
of future aviation professionals.
In addition, Anderson is sitting for his AAAE accreditation
interview early next year.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Airport_Business_November_2020
Inside the Fence
Industry Update
A Smart Approach to Customer Wellness
Totally Boggus
How Color Biases Contribute to a Lack of Diversity in Aviation
Product Profile
40 Under 40
Airport_Business_November_2020 - 1
Airport_Business_November_2020 - 2
Airport_Business_November_2020 - 3
Airport_Business_November_2020 - 4
Airport_Business_November_2020 - Inside the Fence
Airport_Business_November_2020 - Industry Update
Airport_Business_November_2020 - 7
Airport_Business_November_2020 - 8
Airport_Business_November_2020 - A Smart Approach to Customer Wellness
Airport_Business_November_2020 - Totally Boggus
Airport_Business_November_2020 - 11
Airport_Business_November_2020 - How Color Biases Contribute to a Lack of Diversity in Aviation
Airport_Business_November_2020 - 13
Airport_Business_November_2020 - 14
Airport_Business_November_2020 - 15
Airport_Business_November_2020 - Product Profile
Airport_Business_November_2020 - 17
Airport_Business_November_2020 - 40 Under 40
Airport_Business_November_2020 - 19
Airport_Business_November_2020 - 20
Airport_Business_November_2020 - 21
Airport_Business_November_2020 - 22
Airport_Business_November_2020 - 23
Airport_Business_November_2020 - 24
Airport_Business_November_2020 - 25
Airport_Business_November_2020 - 26
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