Airport_Business_November_2020 - 40
James Hunter Mitchell
For those that work in aviation, they understand all too
well, the difficulties in adjusting to the complex and shifting
nature of the industry. However, James Hunter Mitchell, the
complexities and shifts don't bother him. In fact, Mitchell
thrives in this environment, taking the complicated and
seamlessly breaking it down for his clients.
" The one thing I enjoy most about my work is making what
can be arduous tasks, uncomplicated when people come to us
with a problem, " Mitchell said.
It only makes sense then that Mitchell would be drawn to
aviation, an area he took an interest in as a child. His father,
Alvin Mitchell's penchant for aerospace and aviation also was
the caveat that piqued Mitchell's interest as well.
Hometown: Valencia Park, San Diego, CA
" I always was fascinated about aerospace and
Alma Mater: California State University
aviation. As a young kid, I always was taking these
Long Beach
trips to the airport, sitting back with my family,
Fun fact about yourself: I was and still
watching the airplanes come in, at what is now San
am extremely involved with youth sports as
Diego International Airport, " Mitchell said.
a way to spend time with my kids, mentor
kids, and help build up the community.
Mitchell, who continued to expand his interests in
aerospace and aviation, was awarded the Tuskegee
Someone I look up to in the
Airman Scholarship, after graduating University
industry: While there is a plethora
of giants to uphold in the industry, my
City High School in 2004.
personal role -model is my Director and
He dedicates his Airport Business Top 40 Under 40
mentor, Vince Hamilton.
award to his late mother, Sandra Goins. Ms. Goins
My favorite thing about aviation is:
made tremendous sacrifices to ensure that Mitchell
Being able to connect people to different
was afforded the opportunities to receive a quality
locations in a short time.
education, and instilled in him at an early age,
that his vision for himself should extend beyond Southeast
San Diego. Her selflessness, impeccable work ethic and
determination to succeed is what continues to be a driving
aspiration of Mitchell. " My goal in life has always and will
always be to make my mother proud. "
Mitchell exercises both his interest in aviation and ability
to decode the complicated as the Senior GIS Consultant for
Jacobsen Daniels (JD).
Mitchell is JD's lead on-site GIS consultant for the Los Angeles
World Airports (LAWA), where he helped develop web-based
mapping platforms for a number of LAWA teams: Commercial
Development Group (CDG), Special Projects and the Right-ofWay modernization program. His web applications are used by
LAWA for tracking, planning and allocating assets throughout
the entire landscape of LAWA's network of airports.
Mitchell plays a diverse role in supporting the aviation
industries move to do more with less by applying GIS to
create smarter airports and aviation business lines. His clients
consists of every facet of aviation including airline clients,
airports across the country and the FAA.
" One thing I pride myself on is being able to do our deliverables,
for clients, when it comes to making maps very easy to read
and understand. Then taking a step back and making sure that
I can get map visuals on a live version for a client, so they have
the ability to pan and zoom and reference spatial data easily.
That is really what I like to hang my hat on, being able to give
them that full live approach in the work that we do, " he said.
Bronwyn Lindsay
Hometown: Windsor, CA
Fun fact about yourself:
I was a competitive Javelin
thrower and competed in the
Junior Olympics.
Someone I look up to in
the industry: It's impossible
for me to name just one person.
I've met amazing people
throughout the industry.
My favorite thing about
aviation is: Working with
bright and passionate aviation
professionals in an everchanging
industry that continues to face
new challenges.
Bronwyn Lindsay has been in the FBO business for 15 years,
starting when she was just 19 years old as a part-time line
service and customer service representative. Lindsay, who
grew up five minutes from the airport, had never considered
a career in aviation before learning about a job opening at the
Sonoma County Airport. She soon discovered that she had a
passion for all things aviation.
" I fell in love with the airport environment, working with
the team, meeting people from all over the world, helping
people make the most of their time while visiting and being
active. As I started attending different industry events, I was
tremendously impressed with all the people I met. I've been
shown an incredible amount of support which has been
invaluable throughout my career, " she said
Lindsay worked her way up through the ranks, learning all
aspects of the line service operation, customer service, and
accounting, ultimately earning the FBO general manager
" I think they kind of had to make me the general manager, "
Lindsay quipped of her rise through the ranks.
A shining example of Lindsay's dedication to her work and
her community came on Oct. 9, 2017, at the start of the
2017 NBAA conference. Wildfires had exploded overnight
in Sonoma; with smoke and flames filling the sky. With the
power out at the airport and surrounding area, the airport was
in dire straits. Lindsay, knowing the criticality of supporting
the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal
Fire), got to work from her hotel room in Las Vegas. She sourced
and activated backup generators to bring power to KaiserAir's
FBO terminal, fuel farm, and facilities to ensure uninterrupted
fuel supply and support of the fire-fighting aircraft. As the
fires raged, KaiserAir, served as the base of operations for Cal
Fire, Air National Guard, and other firefighting and recovery
" Everyday is something different,
especially during the busy season. I love
getting in the action. "
And while not every day involves putting out fires, it's the
diversity and fluctuating nature of aviation that Bronwyn says
she loves.
" It's always something new. You get to be hands-on. You get
to do a little bit of everything. It's not just sitting behind a desk
and looking at a computer. You have a lot of interactions and
new experiences, and learn about other people's experiences, "
Lindsay said.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Airport_Business_November_2020
Inside the Fence
Industry Update
A Smart Approach to Customer Wellness
Totally Boggus
How Color Biases Contribute to a Lack of Diversity in Aviation
Product Profile
40 Under 40
Airport_Business_November_2020 - 1
Airport_Business_November_2020 - 2
Airport_Business_November_2020 - 3
Airport_Business_November_2020 - 4
Airport_Business_November_2020 - Inside the Fence
Airport_Business_November_2020 - Industry Update
Airport_Business_November_2020 - 7
Airport_Business_November_2020 - 8
Airport_Business_November_2020 - A Smart Approach to Customer Wellness
Airport_Business_November_2020 - Totally Boggus
Airport_Business_November_2020 - 11
Airport_Business_November_2020 - How Color Biases Contribute to a Lack of Diversity in Aviation
Airport_Business_November_2020 - 13
Airport_Business_November_2020 - 14
Airport_Business_November_2020 - 15
Airport_Business_November_2020 - Product Profile
Airport_Business_November_2020 - 17
Airport_Business_November_2020 - 40 Under 40
Airport_Business_November_2020 - 19
Airport_Business_November_2020 - 20
Airport_Business_November_2020 - 21
Airport_Business_November_2020 - 22
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