Airport Business - 25


PanoVu Flexible
Outdoor Network
Camera, features 1/2.7"
progressive scan CMOS
sensors and four lenses.

Like most technolog y-based
equipment, security camera technology
continues to evolve and offer better
overall visual surveillance options.
Related processing, network and storage
solutions progress in parallel, and have
made significant impacts on the daily
function, operation and maintenance
of visual surveillance systems. There
are some significant changes that relate
to the unique requirements of security
video systems that are in, general terms,
providing security users clearer images
across broader environments.

Aviation market heats up
The trends we are seeing related to
camera technology have been picking
up in the last year in the aviation market
and are likely to continue, if not increase,
over the next few years. And, while there
are some interesting security-specific
developments (see below), a common
trend has to do with advanced security
video camera technology tied to personal
use consumer technology - this reason is
simply based on sheer volume.
According to Strategy Analytics,
smartphone sales for Samsung came in
at $291.3 million and for Apple, $206.3
million. It's no secret that security camera
technology is greatly inf luenced by
smartphone video camera trends. As

a result, consumer camera trends will
likely continue to provide a direct
and significant boost to the quality
and functionality of airport security
The three basic video camera
variables - lens, iris, and focus - are
evolving to provide sharper focus,
increased depth of field, wider speed
range and greater dynamic range. While
overlap exists and some of these are interrelated, the broad advances moving from
evolution to more revolutionary are
sensor technology, sensor quantity and
image processing.

Sensor Technology
Improves and Identifies
Security Targets
The most direct evolution of security
camera technology has to do with sensor
technology. Single frame and video
camera sensors have grown in resolution,
driven largely by the miniaturization of
light capturing sensors. As the sensor
sizes decreased (2/3", 1/2", 1/3"), it
became practical to first provide the
same resolution in a smaller package,
followed by an increased resolution in a
similar form factor. Sensors have evolved
from HD 720, FHD 1080 and now 4K
resolution in the mini-dome package,
commonly used for security applications.

A long with increased image
resolution, the sensors have become
more sensitive to light, allowing them
to reduce aperture, increase depth of field
and provide greater scene focus. This
evolving sensor technology provides
a more detailed image to benefit the
detection, recognition and identification
of security targets.

Sensor Quantity
Increases Coverage
Over the last five years, even more
revolutionary than the actual sensor
technology is the increased use of
multi-sensor cameras. While advances
have been made to increase field of view
coverage with wider lenses focusing on
high-resolution sensors, another approach
developed to use more than one sensor
in the camera housing. These types of
cameras are a byproduct of the increased
processing power available at the camera,
which followed Moore's Law - the
observation made by Intel co-founder,
Gordon Moore, that the number of
transistors on a chip doubles every two
years while the costs are halved. Moore's
law suggests exponential growth.
Airports have been increasingly
interested in these multi-sensor cameras.
Not only do they benefit from this
evolving sensor technology, but they



Airport Business

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Airport Business

Inside the Fence
Industry Update
RS&H Plans King County Airport for Boeing 777x Arrival
Time to Reorganize – Why U.S. Airports Need to Adapt their Organizations to Meet Industry Changes
Avoid a Battered Display: Indoor and Outdoor Digital Signage Enclosure Protect from Theft, Storms and More
Pick Your Seat
What We Need to Know About Electric Hand Drying
Changing Camera Technology Boosts Airport Security
The Right Light
Self-Service Takes Hold in the Future of Airport Concessions
What is the difference Between an SMS and an SMS?
Washington Watch
Ready for Takeoff: Airports Becoming the New Lifestyle Hubs
Product Focus
Airport Business - 1
Airport Business - 2
Airport Business - 3
Airport Business - 4
Airport Business - 5
Airport Business - Inside the Fence
Airport Business - 7
Airport Business - Industry Update
Airport Business - 9
Airport Business - RS&H Plans King County Airport for Boeing 777x Arrival
Airport Business - 11
Airport Business - Time to Reorganize – Why U.S. Airports Need to Adapt their Organizations to Meet Industry Changes
Airport Business - 13
Airport Business - Avoid a Battered Display: Indoor and Outdoor Digital Signage Enclosure Protect from Theft, Storms and More
Airport Business - 15
Airport Business - 16
Airport Business - 17
Airport Business - Pick Your Seat
Airport Business - 19
Airport Business - 20
Airport Business - 21
Airport Business - What We Need to Know About Electric Hand Drying
Airport Business - 23
Airport Business - Changing Camera Technology Boosts Airport Security
Airport Business - 25
Airport Business - 26
Airport Business - 27
Airport Business - The Right Light
Airport Business - 29
Airport Business - 30
Airport Business - 31
Airport Business - Self-Service Takes Hold in the Future of Airport Concessions
Airport Business - 33
Airport Business - 34
Airport Business - 35
Airport Business - What is the difference Between an SMS and an SMS?
Airport Business - 37
Airport Business - Washington Watch
Airport Business - Ready for Takeoff: Airports Becoming the New Lifestyle Hubs
Airport Business - Product Focus
Airport Business - 41
Airport Business - 42
Airport Business - 43
Airport Business - 44