ANNUAL REPORT STATE OF THE INDUSTRY A year of continued recovery The vending and micro market industry jumps 12% in total revenue, representing almost 89% of 2019's benchmark high. By Molly Rogers, Managing Editor CHART 1A: Industry revenue in billions 10 15 20 25 5 23.50 19.69 20.17 20.90 21.60 22.0 19.40 13.30 24.20 21.70 CHART 1B: Micro market 2-year review 2022 2021 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Growing Staying the same Declining CHART 2: Operator sales SIZE REVENUE RANGE Small Medium Large Extra large under $1M $1M - $4.9M $5M - $9.9M $10M + % OF 2022 OPERATORS 57% 31% 6% 6% PROJECTED 2022 SALES 1.350B 4.700B 4.661B 10.989B % OF 2022 SALES 6.20% 21.70% 21.50% 50.60% 50.6% of the industry's revenue is made up of 6% of the businesses. 16 Automatic Merchandiser * June/July 2023 36.84% 0% 11% 13% 0% 87% 89%