QR code on machine Video screens 7.7% 48.7% 6.5% 49.4% 37.8% 8% 2% 52% 48.7% 49.4% had micro markets in place or were approached by a competitor (this may also explain why offices and manufacturing locations have experienced a decrease). Additionally, technology suppliers now offer innovative and 38.4% affordable tablet and mobile checkout are now desirable. As one respondent systems, eliminating the need for a noted, micro markets are "becoming 40.2% 31.9% kiosk, which is a larger investment and 36.3% more affordable for smaller locations. takes up more space. We are upgrading and taking used Locations that were previously systems as well as nano market kiosks 2019 2017 11% 2018 considered too small to turn a profit to smaller locations." 15% 41% 14.7% CHART 6B: Vending management systems ● Use a VMS ● Don't use a VMS 40.2% 36.3% 72.7% 65.9% 2017 2019 2018 41% 29.3% 51.3% 2018 2019 48.7% 34.1% 51.3% 2018 2019 48.7% 27.4% 19.5% 13.6% 72.7% 11% 34.1% 9.1% 14.7% 19.5% CHART 6C: ● Telemeter or cashless device remotely/using the cloud ● Manual process (such as paper and pencil) on location ● Handheld device on location ● Smartphone or tablet (Apple or Android) on location 15% 29.3% 13.6% Vending data collection trends 9% 9.1% 27.4% ›› New and Refurbished Vending Machines ›› 1 Year Parts Warranty On All Refurbished Machines ›› 20+ years in industry VENDWEB.COM Thinking Outside The Box For You! For more information contact us at 704-802-4394 | vendweb.com 16 Automatic Merchandiser * June/July 2020http://www.VENDWEB.COM