august2022 - 4

Take Me Out to the Ball Game
SUMMER NIGHTS. THE smell of freshly cut grass. The crack of the bat hitting the ball. A
cold beer and a hot dog. The seventh inning stretch and of course that song. Cheering for
favorite players. Kids in the stands with their baseball gloves, hoping for a chance to catch
a foul tip. We're Triple-A here in Indianapolis, so the experience has a very home-town feel.
Things are different at the
ballpark, however, for my first postCOVID-19
game. There is now 40-foothigh
netting separating the field from
the stands, protecting us from being
able to catch those fly balls, and
putting an end to those cherished
moments when the base coach would
toss a ball into the stands and into the
glove of a fan. [Note, the outfield is still
fair game for home runs, along with
providing the ability for fans to throw
the ball back on the field when the
homer is hit by the opposing team.]
" The new netting system will
provide fans peace of mind when
sitting close to the action down the
first and third baselines, " according
to the Indianapolis Indians' president
and general manager. I'm sure there's
a plus side to not having to worry
about being conked on the head by a
runaway foul tip when you're not paying
attention to the game, but what
about those hopeful children cradling
their gloves, hoping for a chance at
a catch and a memory? What about
their peace of mind?
Other things have changed too.
The beer and hot dogs are no longer
delivered in the stands (nor are any
other concessions), although this
happened before COVID-19. You have
to miss half an inning while you wait
in line at the concession counters
(where oddly they are televising a
baseball game, but not the one you
came to see).
I understand change, improveissues,
and safety - all of this goes
into decisions to move in whatever
direction the rule-makers determine
is for the greater good. But at the same
time, I'm going to miss the sweet
ballgames that were unencumbered
with nets and where I didn't have to
leave my seat to get food.
All of that leads me to the point
of this month's message. We are
honoring change here at CPA Practice
Advisor this month with our annual
Innovation Awards. We recognize
new technology designed to make
our jobs easier, speed things along,
Publisher: Barry Strobel
Editor-in-Chief: Gail Perry, CPA
Managing Editor: Isaac M. O'Bannon
Sr. Staff Writer: Jason Bramwell
Contributors: Ken Berry, J.D.
Jim Boomer, CPA.CITP
Kristy Short
Randy Johnston
Roman H. Kepczyk, CPA.CITP
Paul McDonald
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Today's Technology for Tomorrow's Firm
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improve visibility with clients, stay
on top of regulations, and yes, protect
ourselves from unexpected fly balls
in the form of security breaches and
phishing attacks.
I'd like to take just a moment,
however, to consider that our clients
might still appreciate the traditional
touches that we include in our relationships.
While we are switching to
an online/filesharing/chatbot relationship
with clients, the occasional
phone call or in-person meeting also
goes a long way toward cementing
our relationships for the long term.
Sharing a few minutes with them to
ask how they're doing, just as we do
with friends and family, is like tossing
the baseball into the stands. All
of the protection we install ensures
data security and moves things along
more quickly, but don't forget that
your clients might still like to have
you toss that ball, spend a moment
in the sunshine with them, as you
cheer them on. ■
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4 AUGUST 2022 ■


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of august2022

From the Editor: Take Me Out to the Ball Game
Is Artificial Intelligence Becoming a Tool for Financial Advisors?
From the Trenches: Your Firm and Your Strategy
The Evolution of Nexus and its Implication of Income Tax
Innovation Awards: 2022 Innovation Awards Spotlight Top Tech for Tax and Accounting Pros
The Labor Law Advisor: The Employee Attendance Dilemma
The ProAdvisor Spotlight: Mailchimp + QuickBooks Online Helps the W2 Group Manage Marketing and Sales
Tips to Help Your Small Business Clients Thrive During High Inflation
The Staffing & HR Advisor: 5 Interview Questions to Avoid
The Leadership Advisor: Making a Remote Workplace Culture Work
The Millennial Advisor: Are You Recruiting Like it's 1989?
Teamwork Makes the CAAS Dream Work
4 Ways CPAs Can Benefit from Automation
How to Maximize Client Data to Build a Better Firm
Developing a Data Mindset to Proactively Make Clients' Lives Better
Marketing Your Firm: Amplify Your LinkedIn Profile for Free With its Creator Feature
How to Set Business-Driving Goals with Your Clients
AICPA News: A round up of recent association news and events.
Bridging the Gap: Process Issues with People Impacts
august2022 - 1
august2022 - 2
august2022 - 3
august2022 - From the Editor: Take Me Out to the Ball Game
august2022 - Is Artificial Intelligence Becoming a Tool for Financial Advisors?
august2022 - From the Trenches: Your Firm and Your Strategy
august2022 - 7
august2022 - The Evolution of Nexus and its Implication of Income Tax
august2022 - Innovation Awards: 2022 Innovation Awards Spotlight Top Tech for Tax and Accounting Pros
august2022 - 10
august2022 - 11
august2022 - 12
august2022 - 13
august2022 - 14
august2022 - 15
august2022 - 16
august2022 - 17
august2022 - The Labor Law Advisor: The Employee Attendance Dilemma
august2022 - The ProAdvisor Spotlight: Mailchimp + QuickBooks Online Helps the W2 Group Manage Marketing and Sales
august2022 - Tips to Help Your Small Business Clients Thrive During High Inflation
august2022 - The Staffing & HR Advisor: 5 Interview Questions to Avoid
august2022 - The Leadership Advisor: Making a Remote Workplace Culture Work
august2022 - The Millennial Advisor: Are You Recruiting Like it's 1989?
august2022 - 24
august2022 - 25
august2022 - Teamwork Makes the CAAS Dream Work
august2022 - 4 Ways CPAs Can Benefit from Automation
august2022 - How to Maximize Client Data to Build a Better Firm
august2022 - 29
august2022 - Developing a Data Mindset to Proactively Make Clients' Lives Better
august2022 - 31
august2022 - Marketing Your Firm: Amplify Your LinkedIn Profile for Free With its Creator Feature
august2022 - How to Set Business-Driving Goals with Your Clients
august2022 - AICPA News: A round up of recent association news and events.
august2022 - Bridging the Gap: Process Issues with People Impacts
august2022 - 36