CPA Practice Advisor - 29


Gratitude and Self-Care
During the Holidays
THERE'S NO DENYING that the holiday season is going to look a whole lot different this

Mindful Technologist &
Keynote Speaker

year. Without widespread immunization from Covid-19, which is still months away at minimum, mass travel and large gatherings will be limited. However, just because our holiday
calendars look different, doesn't mean the holiday spirit needs to take a year off. In fact,
two characteristics of that spirit, expressing gratitude for others and showing a little care
for ourselves, are more needed than ever-especially with regard to our professional lives.

Since at least March, this year
has been one of tumult, stress, and
unprecedented challenges. Many
of your clients have likely faced
existential crises this year, wondering whether or not their businesses
will be able to stay open amid the
pandemic. Your own firm may have
experienced similar pressures. In
spite of all these anxieties, though,
companies have come together to
weather the storm. Companies of
all sizes have relied on their team
members in novel ways and become
stronger units as a result. No, we
didn't ask for these circumstances,
but that doesn't mean we shouldn't

see the good in them. And it definitely doesn't mean we shouldn't
say a huge thanks to everyone who
Similarly, I'm willing to guess
that you've been extra hard on yourself this year, burning the candle
at both ends and doing everything
possible to ensure the livelihood of
your business. In these moments,
it's easy to overlook the essential
activity of self-care. Now, with the
holiday season upon us, at a time
when we traditionally slow down
a little, it's time to do something
nice for yourself and those you
work with.



All too often, when we thank our
coworkers for their efforts, we do
so without much thought. We say
thanks in passing or as a matter
of social etiquette, not taking the
time to really express how much
the contributions of others have a
positive impact on our own work
and the work of our businesses.
This year, when so many workers have sacrificed so much, it's
important to go out of your way
to make your team members feel
appreciated, even if it has to be
over Zoom, Slack, or email.
To do so, I recommend going
with the Thanksgiving standby of
asking yourself what you're thankful for this year. Ask the question
in light of each team member being
as specific as possible. Telling
somebody you value their work is
one thing, but mentioning how they
managed to soothe a client during
the middle of their child's temper
tantrum is much more resonant.
If you have a small firm, consider
creating personalized messages
for each team member. If you're
a larger organization, have team
leads handle the responsibility.
Oh, and if you can, maybe consider
throwing a couple of extra days off
everyone's way. They've probably
earned it.

While you're in the act of lavishing praise, don't forget to spare
some time for yourself. Just like
your team members, you've had
a difficult year. It's more than
likely that you've cut out some of
your favorite activities in order to
juggle working from home, dealing
with your family, and all the other
tasks that have been thrown out of
whack by 2020. It may seem like a
self-indulgent act to take time from
yourself, but it's just the opposite.
Studies have shown that self-care
actually increases productivity, so
now's the time to carve out some
into your schedule. There's nothing wrong, after all, with treating
yourself during the holidays.
Everyone's preferred acts of
self-care will be different. Maybe
you want to take a spa day. Perhaps
you prefer a weekend off spent with
good food and a good book. Whatever the case, focusing on your own
wellness won't just make you feel
better; it'll have positive results on
every aspect of your life.
The holidays will be different
this year, but that shouldn't stop
us from taking the pause and truly
having gratitude for all we have
accomplished, persevered through
and the people that have supported
us along the way. ■



CPA Practice Advisor

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of CPA Practice Advisor

From the Editor: 2020: The Year that Wasn't
2020 "40 Under 40" and "20 Under 40"
From the Trenches: Does Your Firm Have a Clear Vision for the Future?
2020 Product Review: W-2/1099 Preparation Systems
The ProAdvisor Spotlight: QuickBooks Connect Innovations Roundup: We Go Further Together
2020 Product Review: Website Builders for Accounting Firms
9 Tips to Minimize Risk of Cyber Attacks on Your Firm
Apps We Love: Streaming Entertainment We Love: What to Watch
Marketing Your Firm: 5 Pre-Busy-Season Marketing Campaign Challenges
Finding Firm Growth Opportunities in Challenging Times
Key Tax Law Changes for Tax Year 2020
The Leadership Advisor: Gratitude and Self-Care During the Holidays
The Staffing & HR Advisor: Pandemic-Era Burnout: How to Protect Your Finance Team
The Millennial Advisor: Leapfrogging 2020 into 2021
Post-Election Tax Planning Considerations for Trusts & Estates
AICPA News: A Round Up of Recent Association News and Events
Bridging the Gap: Building a Trusted Advisor Toolbox
CPA Practice Advisor - 1
CPA Practice Advisor - 2
CPA Practice Advisor - 3
CPA Practice Advisor - From the Editor: 2020: The Year that Wasn't
CPA Practice Advisor - 2020 "40 Under 40" and "20 Under 40"
CPA Practice Advisor - 6
CPA Practice Advisor - 7
CPA Practice Advisor - From the Trenches: Does Your Firm Have a Clear Vision for the Future?
CPA Practice Advisor - 9
CPA Practice Advisor - 2020 Product Review: W-2/1099 Preparation Systems
CPA Practice Advisor - 11
CPA Practice Advisor - 12
CPA Practice Advisor - 13
CPA Practice Advisor - The ProAdvisor Spotlight: QuickBooks Connect Innovations Roundup: We Go Further Together
CPA Practice Advisor - 15
CPA Practice Advisor - 2020 Product Review: Website Builders for Accounting Firms
CPA Practice Advisor - 17
CPA Practice Advisor - 18
CPA Practice Advisor - 9 Tips to Minimize Risk of Cyber Attacks on Your Firm
CPA Practice Advisor - 20
CPA Practice Advisor - 21
CPA Practice Advisor - Apps We Love: Streaming Entertainment We Love: What to Watch
CPA Practice Advisor - 23
CPA Practice Advisor - Marketing Your Firm: 5 Pre-Busy-Season Marketing Campaign Challenges
CPA Practice Advisor - 25
CPA Practice Advisor - Finding Firm Growth Opportunities in Challenging Times
CPA Practice Advisor - 27
CPA Practice Advisor - Key Tax Law Changes for Tax Year 2020
CPA Practice Advisor - The Leadership Advisor: Gratitude and Self-Care During the Holidays
CPA Practice Advisor - The Staffing & HR Advisor: Pandemic-Era Burnout: How to Protect Your Finance Team
CPA Practice Advisor - The Millennial Advisor: Leapfrogging 2020 into 2021
CPA Practice Advisor - Post-Election Tax Planning Considerations for Trusts & Estates
CPA Practice Advisor - AICPA News: A Round Up of Recent Association News and Events
CPA Practice Advisor - Bridging the Gap: Building a Trusted Advisor Toolbox
CPA Practice Advisor - 35
CPA Practice Advisor - 36