july2021 - 17

10 Content Development
cover this base. That's enough, right? Wrong.
Why? Because you and hundreds of other firms
are using the same content, which is a no-no in
Google's eyes. According to Search Engine People,
" Content is extremely important for SEO, without
it search engines won't have enough information
to index your pages correctly and help you rank.
Google values original content and doesn't care
much for copied or duplicate content. "
How can I create original content, without
spending a ton of time or money? It's okay to buy
content. The not-okay part is just posting it as it
is on your site, like dozens or hundreds of other
firms are also doing.
For example, Thomson Reuters' content, " IRS
Provides Guidance on Temporary 100% Expense
Deduction for Meals, " could be broken down into
many social media posts or even new content.
In the article, it mentions that restaurant and
business owners can get a temporary, 100 percent
deduction on restaurant meals. It also states what
does not qualify as a restaurant. Simple social
media and email content can be created from
boring text. Here's how.
Using Canva, an online graphic design tool, I created
two, graphical posts for Facebook. Total time
to create these? About 10 minutes. Their impact?
Huge! You have to admit, these are more fun than
text alone.
Once graphics are created, post the graphic and
the link to your article on social media. The same
content can be repurposed in email with a link to
the article on your website.
Hacks for Small Firms By Becky Livingston
IF I WERE to ask you, " Where does content development and marketing efforts for your
website rank on your to-do list? " How would you respond? Is it even on your to-do list?
Maybe you buy content from a resource to
Here are ten more ideas for building quick, simple
content that packs a punch.
■ Your mobile phone. On that device alone you have
a camera and a microphone, the one-two combo
needed to create organic content on the fly. Here's
how to make the content. Think of a client pain
point - maybe from an email you responded to
earlier in the week or an article you read. Then
record yourself giving a tip on how to solve the
pain point. Viola, instant video and audio recording.
Remember the not-so-shameless plug for your
contact information at the end.
■ Artificial Intelligence (AI). If you haven't begun
using AI in your content development efforts,
you're missing out. Here are some resources (paid
and free) to consider:
* Quill: creates meaningful content from data
* Wordsmith: translates data into text
* Articoolo: simulates human writers and delivers
unique articles on a given topic and word count
specifications (think newspapers)
* WordAI: designed to help you spin articles
on demand. If you're planning to rewrite any
existing articles on the web, without running
into duplicate content issues, this tool promises
to do the job for you.
* Article Forge: automatically researches on any
topic, reads an infinite number of articles and
then writes the article in its own words.
* Marketo: crawls your site and recommends
content based on your assets, such as videos,
white papers, case studies, and blog posts.
■ Google Docs & Chrome Browser. Did you know
Google Docs on Chrome offers a transcription
feature? Game-changer, right?!? This solution is
for those who hate typing and prefer a laptop or
desktop to their mobile device. Keep the content
simple-focused on one to three points, craft a
clever headline, include a call to action, and add
your contact information. Voila! Instant blog article.
■ Top 10. Use your website analytics to view your
top content results for a defined time period. Then
create a listicle (list article) to share on social media
and in email. It's fast, simple, and links back to
other website content. Google loves that.
■ Embrace Slide Content. Repurpose bulleted lists or
data-driven slides on social media. If a slide deck
has three bullet-point slides, that's three social
media posts.
■ Share a Poll. It only takes a few minutes to come
up with the poll question and a few options.
See last month's article, How to Use Polls to
Measure Your Clients' Needs (www.cpapracticeadvisor.
com/21222700), for polling inspiration.
■ Industry Statistics. The crazier the stats, the more
likely people will respond to it. For example, this
stats from Hosting Tribunal, " 40% of small business
owners say that bookkeeping and taxes put a
strain on running a business. " Or, this one from
Balancing Everything, " 74% of small businesses
don't understand how ghost assets affect their
taxes and accounting books. "
■ Multiple Headlines. Even one piece of content may
be shared on social media multiple times over
a period of weeks. Simply change the headline
and use a different image, but the same link and
hashtags. Hate writing headlines, use an online
headline generator for assistance.
■ Holidays. Reference the National Day Calendar for
fun topics you can share on social media. It doesn't
have to be about accounting. It just needs to be
about your firm's culture, history, community, or
staff. For example, August 14 is National Bowling
Day. If your firm is part of a bowling league, share
some photos.
■ Nostalgia. Throw-back Thursday and Fun-Fact
Friday are two days to post content about your
firm, its community, or industries it serves. This is
a great idea for firms celebrating a milestone year.
Original content is wonderful. But you don't have
to be the only one creating it. Ask your followers to
jump into the fray by sharing accounting pain points,
photos of their office or community, office pets, or
other topics that put " social " into social media.
Now that you have the means, go forth and
create. Put a small amount of time aside each week
to create content for multiple postings on social
media or for inclusion in a monthly email. I can
hardly wait to see what you create. ■
Becky Livingston is the President and CEO of Penheel
Marketing, a NJ-based firm specializing in social media
and digital marketing for CPAs. www.Penheel.com
JULY 2021 ■ www.CPAPracticeAdvisor.com
http://www.cpapracticeadvisor.com/21222700 http://www.cpapracticeadvisor.com/21222700 http://www.Penheel.com http://www.CPAPracticeAdvisor.com


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of july2021

From the Editor: Getting Back to Work
Expand Your Practice with Advisory Services
Essential Steps to Transition into Advisory Services
Mindset Shifts That Lead to Positive Business Outcomes
How to Decide and Pitch Your Firms CAS Pricing
From the Trenches: Client Experience for Today – Client Advisory Services
The Leadership Advisor: How to Create a Comfortable Return to the Office
The ProAdvisor Spotlight: Enhancements to QuickBooks Invoicing Speeds Up Payments for Your Clients
The Labor Law Advisor: Where Have All the Workers Gone?
The Millennial Advisor: Dress Code 1, 2, 3
The Staffing & HR Advisor: How a Hybrid Work Model Can Help Your Team in the New Normal
Marketing Your Firm: 10 Content Development Hacks for Small Firms
Apps We Love: Books & Reading Apps
AICPA News: A Round Up of Recent Association News and Events
AI's Growing Influence Over CPA Services
Everything You Need to Know About LLCs to Help Your Clients
6 Effective Strategies for CPAs to Build Trust with Clients
Bridging the Gap: 4 Essentials of Process Improvement
july2021 - 1
july2021 - 2
july2021 - 3
july2021 - From the Editor: Getting Back to Work
july2021 - Expand Your Practice with Advisory Services
july2021 - Essential Steps to Transition into Advisory Services
july2021 - Mindset Shifts That Lead to Positive Business Outcomes
july2021 - How to Decide and Pitch Your Firms CAS Pricing
july2021 - 9
july2021 - From the Trenches: Client Experience for Today – Client Advisory Services
july2021 - 11
july2021 - The Leadership Advisor: How to Create a Comfortable Return to the Office
july2021 - The ProAdvisor Spotlight: Enhancements to QuickBooks Invoicing Speeds Up Payments for Your Clients
july2021 - The Labor Law Advisor: Where Have All the Workers Gone?
july2021 - The Millennial Advisor: Dress Code 1, 2, 3
july2021 - The Staffing & HR Advisor: How a Hybrid Work Model Can Help Your Team in the New Normal
july2021 - Marketing Your Firm: 10 Content Development Hacks for Small Firms
july2021 - Apps We Love: Books & Reading Apps
july2021 - 19
july2021 - AICPA News: A Round Up of Recent Association News and Events
july2021 - AI's Growing Influence Over CPA Services
july2021 - Everything You Need to Know About LLCs to Help Your Clients
july2021 - 23
july2021 - 6 Effective Strategies for CPAs to Build Trust with Clients
july2021 - Bridging the Gap: 4 Essentials of Process Improvement
july2021 - 26